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Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on July 14, 2014, 02:31 PM:
Whether or not you always agree with Osi, there is no denying, for better or worse, that he can generate a tremendous amount of forum postings. Look at the numbers on the other two forums, and you will see just how much traffic he is responsible for. In fact I think Osi may be the 'resident topic' on one of the other forums! [Big Grin]

[ July 14, 2014, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Paul Adsett ]
Posted by Paul Spinks (Member # 573) on July 14, 2014, 07:26 PM:
I think that some members of the forum he moderates could not accept his alleged "penny pinching" ways, and he closed the topic to avoid further negative discussion. The other forum where this topic is also discussed does not censor or delete the responses he himself asked for on his own forum, and as to his YouTube posting where he also asked for donations to his PayPal account as well as comments... well, it beggars belief. If you ask for peoples comments and they don't agree with you it seems they just close the topic and stop all discussion on his forum.
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on July 14, 2014, 07:38 PM:
Well my intent here was just to make an observation, not to open this whole thing up again on Doug's forum, which I hope I have not done.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on July 15, 2014, 12:33 PM:
Oh well, might as well make a quick comment on here ... [Smile]

As to closing the post on the other forum (one of the other forums), I just felt that it had run it's course, nothing more than that. Most often, given time, series of posts just go off in directions never intended. It's kind of like that game of "telephone" that some folks played when they were kids, (many different countries have different names for it, but "telephone' is what I knew it as.

"Telephone" is when you get a bunch of kids in a circle. One child states some simple statement, such as "My red wagon was carrying my rock collection and broke a wheel, so I had to carry my wagon and ditch my rock collection."

... Now, that sentence goes down the line of children until it gets back around to the one who started the thing, and the sentence rarely ever sounds anything like what the first person started with.

I must confess, however, to being a little naughty. Actually, I should have mentioned this on the other forum, but thought of mentioning it only on the walk home.

Some may ask ...

"OSI, why put yourself out there for potential harm? Don't you know that there are some that would just LOVE to jump on some-thing like this and further degrade you in public opinion?"

Well sure. I think some live under the mis-guided conception that my ego is totally surrounded and thrives on what people think of me, which couldn't be farther from the truth. Heck, if I let go of the internet this very day and never posted again anywhere, I'd be just a happy and content in life as I am now.

Therefore, those who delight in they're little attacks on my every word, (you've got to admit, I, whether I ever really meant to or not, am probably the one person that folks just LOVE to dissect my every word, which I think is a complete waste of breathe. I'm not THAT bloody interesting!) ...

... if they live on the mis-conception of, "OOOOH! Goodie goodie! I'm going to bring down the OZ! Now they'll know him as the scumbag I've always known him to be! BOOHOO-AH-HAHAHAHA!"

... they're just wasting they're time as I've really never given a rip what folks thought of me. Very independent in that regard.

So now ... back to the "Pennie-gate" (hey! I like that!)

I did make that video just to put forth the whole thing, but originally, only in the you-tube and facebook arena. Then, I had a little devious thought ...

How about having fun with those folks who are salvating at any chance to degrade me in the public eye? Let's see how far the comments go and how far some folks take. Lets see how seriously some folks take it, (some "folks" specifically) ...

Well, my little practical joke did just what I had meant it to. I truly laughed my "arse" off at some comments I have seen all over the place, (my wife just shook her head at some of it). I actually fell off my chair laughing about it and therefore hurt my hip for a few days. That will serve me right for starting up something so ridiculously trivial.

However, I also thought that there might actually be people who were certainly concerned with the situation and my messing with folks might actually be taken for "mean-spirited-ness". Well, towards certain folks, most definitely.

But, as Paul Adsett stated elsewhere, he's gotten a good laugh out of it. I've certainly had a good laugh out of it, (plus a little pain), and no real harm done that I can think of it, especially since I'm the brunt of it, (when actually, a few others were me target!).

So, practical joke done. The incident certainly happened, the 16 cents were a reality, (that in and of itself was ridiculous to begin with), I just used it as an opportunity to reveal just how far some will go in being naughty towards me ...

If only I cared about they're naughtiness, then perhaps there would have been some injury towards me, but being the "enemy of all that's holy", I just found the comments of some folks, well, a hell of a good laugh!

Oh well, I will be the first to admit that I can be a little jerk sometimes.

Now ... back to film!!!!
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 15, 2014, 12:58 PM:
Lets see how seriously some folks take it, (some "folks" specifically) ...

So, you didn't actually take that money from the store?

I truly laughed my "arse" off at some comments I have seen all over the place, (my wife just shook her head at some of it). I actually fell off my chair laughing about it and therefore hurt my hip for a few days. That will serve me right for starting up something so ridiculously trivial.
I'm not sure I understand. So, you took the money from the store and when people called that stealing, you found it hilarious?

...and the sentence rarely ever sounds anything like what the first person started with.
How, exactly, does this apply to your penny tray issue? You raised the issue on the other forum and all the other posts were in reaction to this, nothing more. Nobody changed anything.

I'm sorry, Osi, but every post you make is just digging the hole deeper. Wake up, kid. You're just not gettin' it. The "cored" prints, the Elmo reels, the "platter thing", the penny tray... these are all cumulative.
This is not at all about whether or not you care what people think of you. This is about your standing in the hobby, which is why we're all here on these forums.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on July 15, 2014, 01:48 PM:
Platters, planks, and trays......sorry I don't find any of it funny,.... weird yes...funny NO. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 15, 2014, 01:56 PM:
Some guy I don't particularly know, in a place I've never been, over a thousand miles away, pockets 16 cents at a store I've never heard of, gets chewed out and makes a YouTube video about it and this becomes an international event.

-You just gotta love the internet!
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 15, 2014, 03:01 PM:
When you mention it like that, Steve, it is rather funny. But, we are only a very minute international community.
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 15, 2014, 03:44 PM:
I wasn't really going for "funny" here.
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on July 15, 2014, 03:52 PM:
OSI..."Heck, if I let go of the internet this very day and never posted again anywhere, I'd be just a happy and content in life as I am now."

So would a lot of other people.

Bill [Smile]
Posted by Mal Brake (Member # 14) on July 15, 2014, 04:09 PM:
Your 'practical joke' and earlier controversies led to the end of a long-standing friendship between two thoroughly decent men. Sorry, but that's nothing to laugh about.
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on July 15, 2014, 04:40 PM:
Even if you see nothing amusing in Osi's penny plate tale, and I am in no way condemning those who don't, Dan Lail has penned an absolutely brilliant and hilarious 'Penny Lane' parody on his forum, which is a must read, even if you only visit Dan this one time. Even Osi might enjoy it, and fall off his chair again. [Big Grin]
Well done Dan!
For now though, I am OSIEDOUT! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on July 15, 2014, 04:55 PM:
The internet is amazing place and has now become an important part of life in the way we do business, "fixing our house" employment "changes to pick ups or school runs etc" catching up on old friends and so on.

There is some very interesting you-tube and Vimeo videos to watch.

I even have got the hang of texting [Big Grin] ...well almost....spelling still lousy though [Wink]
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on July 15, 2014, 10:04 PM:
Why we have to move that trouble topic to this lovely forum? Let them discuss it in their respective forums.

This topic will only create harm to this forum with 4g members. Those two forums are only hundreds members. In fact one forum has only tens member actively posting.

So can moderator close this topic.
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on July 16, 2014, 12:41 AM:
All the forums deserve to have supporters and as many members as possible.

Many of the comments here seem to pertain to a topic (or topics) that are posted on other sites. I would think they'd be most appreciated as additions to those threads.

Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on July 16, 2014, 07:28 AM:
I agree with Winbert, and apologize to Doug for starting this thread over here. Thankfully though, the topic seems to have finally run its course on all three forums.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on July 16, 2014, 08:07 AM:
Cheers Paul [Wink]

I just want to remind us the forum's policy #5:

RULE #5: Cross-posting within the forum or to other places on the web.

Do not cross-post identical questions or topics on other website forums/newsgroups or between different sections of the Film-Tech Forum. If you have a question, ask it here or ask it elsewhere, but only ask it one time. If someone is a member of the same two forums in which you asked your question, it becomes confusing to readers as they try to follow the discussion. Please create your topic in the place where it will generate the most beneficial responses. Only emergencies will be excepted from this rule, with the definition of "emergency" to be at the sole discretion of the Administrator and Moderators.

Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on July 16, 2014, 12:50 PM:
Nope, folks, it was just me giving back like I had been given for months now, (sheesh, literally, almost, since the beginning of the year).

My words have been twisted, my posts have been edited and, at times, had words either added or deleted so that some folks could "make they're point" ... (yes, I noticed that) ... or completely taking other sentences and such out of context with what was originally stated ...

My name has been maligned many times over, and while everybody is entitled to their opinion, of course, my only real disappointment with it all is when some folks wanted to outright lie about me in the public forum ...

So, this whole "coin-gate" was my way of "manipulating the manipulators".

Yep, I knew ahead of time that some would call me thief, (un-true statement, for all that truly know me and my character, know my good form ... All others are insignificant, since they revel in un-truth) ...

... but then, whether it was "coin-gate" or any other subject, they would have called me a thief, liar, ect as that was their goal all along ...

However, addressing Mal's statement, if a long-standing friendship has ended due to any of my "mis-adventures" of the last six months and the reactions of people to said "mis-adventures" ...

... if a friendship has ended, whichever one it is, it ended due to the actions of either one or the other party, not I. Perhaps something "un-savory" was found in the character of one or the other that was not known beforehand by one or the other party and in that case, I most certainly did one or the other a favor as that "un-savory" nature might have come back to bite one or the other in the arse in the future. I saved someone a bite in the arse in the future. Not too shabby.

I've never worried about my "image" or identity before people, as, on any given day, some will smile to your face, and then, as stated in "The Outlaw Josey Wales ...

" Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining "

(there, I wanted get some quote from films in here!)

I've never put much stock in the praise or accolades of others, nor have I measured my self worth based upon what the prevailing winds of opinion are concerning me, as they are as shifting as the wind, especially in this modern internet age.

Don't get me wrong folks, I like nearly every person I have ever met on the forums, I'd say a good 99 percent and , as stated earlier, the others are unimportant. It is wise not to waste time on those who will be antagonistic. You will never win they're affections and you shouldn't waste time doing so. Lavish your time on the other 99 per cent. That's just my advice.

I enjoy the posts on here, I enjoy learning from the collective knowledge found here, (despite my very high numbers on here, I'm certainly not a "film-god"), and I enjoy giving back with the collected info I have learned over time.

... but I also take, with a grain a salt, all praise or "nice-ities" delivered on any number of forums, as well as any criticism, as I believe, any intelligent person should do.

Long Live Super 8!!
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on July 16, 2014, 12:55 PM:
I made some comments on the Penny tray but it wasn't a personal attack,i was saying it how i saw it and agreed with some on the theft aspect,Osi you seem to have other issues with some regarding films you've sold for someone and the reels/cores thread,I just don't get why you would just load something and get it fired by others,seems odd to me,your past dealings won't change the opinion of others so why make it worse? Mark.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 16, 2014, 01:06 PM:
So, this whole "coin-gate" was my way of "manipulating the manipulators".
[Big Grin]

You have "manipulated" nobody, kid.

My words have been twisted, my posts have been edited and, at times, had words either added or deleted so that some folks could "make they're point" ... (yes, I noticed that) ... or completely taking other sentences and such out of context with what was originally stated ...
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, can you give an example of this? A specific, contextually pertinent example, and not just a generalisation.
Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on July 16, 2014, 02:42 PM:
Osi, for all the years I have been reading your posts on this forum, I have been desperate to tell you this:

"They're" is the contraction of "they are" it is inappropriate therefore to use it in place of the possessive "their", as in:

Their films, their projectors and their pennies in the penny tray.

Right, glad I go that off my chest. As you were.

Mike [Cool]
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 16, 2014, 02:55 PM:

Hear on the 8mm Forum their is know reason fore they're two bee sew critical!

Posted by Jon Addams (Member # 816) on July 16, 2014, 02:59 PM:
Hear on the 8mm Forum their is know reason fore they're two bee sew critical!
[Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on July 16, 2014, 03:10 PM:
Hear on the 8mm Forum their is know reason fore they're two bee sew critical!
[Smile] [Big Grin] [Razz]

Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on July 16, 2014, 03:23 PM:
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [Big Grin]
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 16, 2014, 03:31 PM:
"zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" indeed!

Wouldn't anybody rather read about my trip to the drive-in theater last week than suffer through more of this tired crap?

No cores, no coins: just cars!
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on July 16, 2014, 04:22 PM:
yes yes.... [Cool] [Smile]
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on July 16, 2014, 04:25 PM:
Yes Steve,Tell us about it!!!! [Razz]
Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on July 16, 2014, 04:33 PM:
The "Telephone Game" described above is called in French "Le téléphone arabe" ("The Arabic Telephone" as you could easily guess. It seems that is called like this as a reference of the time the imam in the mosque had no mike and no speaker like now. So people repeted what he said from close to him to far away. And, it resulted in deformations. It is interesting to notice that the word telephone suggests that the game had another name before the invention of this apparatus or just did not exist.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 16, 2014, 04:43 PM:
Yes, I'd love to hear about your drive-in trip. I love anything to do with the whole drive-in phenomenon. It's not something we ever had here in the UK.

However, with all due respect, if "this tired crap" is not of interest to you, just ignore it. That goes for anybody else too.

As long as Osi continues to bullshit and lie, I'll respond, as and when I see fit.
Nobody else here needs to, if they don't wish to.
Quite simple.
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 16, 2014, 05:14 PM:
All due respect in return Mike,

-but this is not what I call a "process":

There is never an end to it, it's just endless "middle" and goes nowhere.

It's as if the dentist drills for hours and never gets to putting in the filling!

What's your goal? Should Osi leave the Forums, collecting films, move out into the wilderness? Should we as a community shun him, gather at the conventions and burn him in effigy?

Tell me where we're going and if I like it I'll follow.

-otherwise this is a place I come for enjoyment and this is NOT fun!

The idea of ignoring it can only go so far. Something like this changes the general tone of the conversation and if I ignored it entirely all I'd be left with is wondering why everyone has become so nasty.

Note 1: See "Drive-In Experience" here in General Yak.
Posted by Rob Koeling (Member # 35) on July 16, 2014, 05:23 PM:

Osi, for all the years I have been reading your posts on this forum, I have been desperate to tell you this:

"They're" is the contraction of "they are" it is inappropriate therefore to use it in place of the possessive "their", as in:

Their films, their projectors and their pennies in the penny tray.

Right, glad I go that off my chest. As you were.

I'm glad you brought this up and I think this is important. I'm very keen to get it right, so would it be right if I say:

"They're buying the films on the reels. Now they can run their films, which are conveniently stored on the nice metal Elmo reels. (The reels are also theirs now.)" ?

Or should it be:

"Their buying the films on the reels. Now they can run they're films, which are conveniently stored on the nice metal Elmo reels. (The reels are also they'res now)" ?

I'm getting myself confused again.... [Wink]

- Rob
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on July 16, 2014, 05:35 PM:
Should Osi leave the Forums, collecting films, move out into the wilderness? Should we as a community shun him, gather at the conventions and burn him in effigy?

[Smile] Bill
Posted by Rob Koeling (Member # 35) on July 16, 2014, 05:51 PM:

What's your goal? Should Osi leave the Forums, collecting films, move out into the wilderness? Should we as a community shun him, gather at the conventions and burn him in effigy?
I shouldn't speak for Michael, but as far as I'm concerned, none of the above. Osi just needs to come clean and then everybody can move on. There has been too much BS. It's time to stop the nonsense. 'Mea culpa' and move on please....

- Rob
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 16, 2014, 05:59 PM:
I'd be fine with that, but the guest of honor seems to be pretty immune to the idea..... here we are.

(Besides, can you accept the contrition of somebody you don't trust in the first place?)

One valuable lesson of all this is everytime you embarrass yourself, you only make it worse by going on YouTube. When I do, it gets no further than my wife...if that far.
Posted by Rob Koeling (Member # 35) on July 16, 2014, 06:51 PM:

(Besides, can you accept the contrition of somebody you don't trust in the first place?)

I like to give people to benefit of the doubt, so an unconditional yes.

One valuable lesson of all this is everytime you embarrass yourself, you only make it worse by going on YouTube. When I do, it gets no further than my wife...if that far.
In my native country people used to put these kinds of pearls of wisdom on a little tile and hang it on the wall (above the hearth). I'll investigate tomorrow what it will cost to produce a few hundred tiles and offer it first to the members of this forum....


- Rob
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on July 16, 2014, 10:02 PM:

Why should we ignore it? Providing members are not breaking any forum rules......if folk want to comment on this BS we will.

If you think Osi is going to come clean ...then you must be dreaming [Roll Eyes] Osi will more than likely continue, a bit like "The Neverending Story" with some other long winded reply tomorrow.

Osi and Mike take Doug advice on this topic.....will you?

Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on July 17, 2014, 12:13 PM:
Come clean? I take baths regularly! [Smile]

I apologize for my mis-spellings as well. [Frown]

Nice and short ... for Graham! [Smile]
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 17, 2014, 12:33 PM:
I guess I just feel bad that the forums (all three) used to be a refuge from the dishonest sellers and now we are seemingly happy to accommodate the existence of one right in here amongst us, as if all is OK. He is even in the position of moderator on one of the forums.

To me it just makes a mockery of our longtime practice of bringing dishonest sellers to light in the interest of the hobby.
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on July 17, 2014, 12:54 PM:
Alright, Micheal, I will give you the opportunity you have salvated and longed for (well, at least for the last 6 months or so) ...

Please offer everyone, on this forum, with the help of anyone you choose, the actual PROOF, not theories, mind you, not assumptions on my character, not long-winded childish, "Liar liar, pants on fire" endless diatribes, but actual PROOF that I have EVER defrauded a single film collector (or anyone else) out of a single penny at any time, anywhere, on any film deal, anyplace.

Now there .... have I not been fair? Lets see the proof, not endless bits and pieces of posts from various forums, not sentences lifted out of context from various posts, but actual evidence ...

otherwise, you are just a person with an opinion, and your most welcome to have one, but opinions are not facts.

Bring forth the proof that I have stolen from any collector, a single penny, dollar, pound ect. You may not agree with how I conduct business perhaps, but I defy you to show a single evidence of any stealing or thievery from any fellow collector.

In fact, I open it up to any person, anywhere, to show any actual evidence that I have stolen a single penny, from anyone.

Now, that's even more fair! [Big Grin]
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 17, 2014, 01:04 PM:
Firstly, I don't recall stating at any point that you have been involved in "any stealing or thievery from any fellow collector", so I have no need to provide proof of this. I do suspect, based on what the "coregate" threads revealed and the chain of events, that you've taken reels from Fred W. and sold them, separate from the prints which were on them, without his knowledge, but....well I can't provide actual proof of this, as you well know. Mind you, Fred W has come forward and stated that he sent all of his films to you on Elmo reels!

However, I'm interested in what you said here:

You may not agree with how I conduct business perhaps, ...
Are you saying that the way you do business is, perhaps, suspect?

As for this, though, and generally speaking:

In fact, I open it up to any person, anywhere, to show any actual evidence that I have stolen a single penny, from anyone.

Sure ya go
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 17, 2014, 02:01 PM:

Generally speaking you've made your point, several times, and several months ago. Yet here we are again.

Once again: What's your goal?

I hope it's showing films on one of the outer moons of Jupiter because getting an act of contrition here would be much harder.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 17, 2014, 02:06 PM:

I am fully aware of what points I have and haven't made before.

Osi directed a post to me which required a reiteration. I tried to keep it as short as possible.

Why am I the bad guy here again? Why don't you direct your frustration at Osi and urge him to be honest and stop the lying?
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 17, 2014, 02:11 PM:
I still don't think you are a bad guy.

I think you are more the adult here and maybe we can work this out, that's why I asked you..

Seriously: this means a lot to you, you must want to accomplish something as a result of all this.

-What will it take that it is possible for us to get for you to put an end to this?

If there isn't anything then this is just futile.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 17, 2014, 03:08 PM:
Well, Steve, my intention all along has been to get Osi to come clean about his dishonesty, own up, accept the flak he would get for his lies but maybe gain some respect too. I do wonder whether things may have gone too far for this, at this point. However, like Rob, I like to have a little faith in people so would be happy to start anew and hope that Osi will act honourably in the future.

If this is not going to happen, then I ask that forum rules regarding deceit and dishonest dealing in film be applied across the board and not just selectively. In such instance, Osi should be removed from the forum (both here and on Small Format).
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 17, 2014, 03:48 PM:
OK Mike,

At least that's something concrete.

I can't find a set of rules on Small Format. If you can and they apply then that's up to Kevin F.

The rules I see in our FAQ govern types of sales and not conduct of sales:

This is about as close as I found:

RULE #10: Rules regarding the Equipment Wanted/For Sale category.

Please start all thread titles with either "WANTED" or "FOR SALE" and make sure to also include the item in the title. As an example, a posting that is titled "rewind table" does not tell the readers whether you are seeking to purchase a rewind table or if you have one to sell. Thus, a posting entitled "WANTED: rewind table" or "FOR SALE: rewind table" is appropriate.

IMPORTANT: The Equipment classified category is not for your company's spamming purposes. This category is provided as a free service for those who have an extra few items of equipment or supplies that they need to sell. Some examples:
ACCEPTABLE:• If you run a tech service company and removed an 8-plex worth of equipment, feel free to list it.
• If you are a collector and want to sell an extra projector, this is the place.
• If you, as an individual or working for a company, made a bulk purchase of used equipment and some of it does not have a home, go ahead and list the remaining equipment.
• If you have some extra bulk equipment that was purchased for an install, but for whatever reason the client backed out of the purchase and you need to move it, be our guest.
UNACCEPTABLE:• If you are just advertising your normal line of goods, this is not the place for you. Go away.
• If you are discontinuing something from your normal line of goods, posting a note here stating "we are almost sold out" will be deleted.
• If your post says something such as "contact us for a catalog", just turn around right now.

Also, website links are not permitted in this category. If you have something to sell, sell it; do not redirect to an external source.

A tip: Make sure you put your email address in the body of your post so potential buyers have easy access to contact you. This practice is permitted ONLY in this category.

When you sell the item, please edit the title of your post to show the item has been sold. For example, change the title from "FOR SALE: rewind table" to "SOLD: rewind table" or from "WANTED: rewind table" to "FOUND: rewind table". This way you are not wasting anyone's time by letting them contact you only to find out the item is sold or no longer wanted.

To reply to a posting in this category, you must email the person directly. All transactions that occur as a result of a posting made on the Film-Tech Forum is your own private business and are not for the world to see. Thus, no public replies are permitted.

Did Osi break these rules? If you can find any that specifically address his conduct then they should apply.

Another thing is the (ummm) controversies regarding (for example) that "Gone With The Wind" were with respect to the circumstances of the sale and not the sale itself. Actually the auction received positive feedback, so the buyer doesn't feel victimized here.

I think Osi lied like a rug about the reason that film went out "cored". That's kind of a shame, because I think if the truth was that he sold the Elmo reels separately to make more money and he said exactly that, most of us would have had no problems with that. (Although the idea of a quarter mile of film potentially set free is scary...)

(Whether or not Fred W. knew about this is a separate issue and mostly between them.)

So there is no rule regarding honestly in general, that's up to each of us to figure out for ourselves.

As far as reputation goes, may each of us have exactly the one we deserve.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 17, 2014, 04:20 PM:
Well, then, I guess there's nothing to be done, Steve. Thanks for your help, just the same.
I'm sure it doesn't matter but, just to be clear, I didn't start this whole thing up again. I have been replying directly to Osi's posts. I'll continue to do so, if it's all the same to you.

Back to you, Osi. [Smile]
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 17, 2014, 06:59 PM:
Fair enough Mike,

I'm pretty worn out on this anyway.
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on July 17, 2014, 09:01 PM:
Now it seems to me Osi and Mike are ready to debate for certain issues. I am happy to see this so it can be found who is right, who is wrong.

However, if you two are doing here, as I said earlier, it is going to harm this lovely forum.

I now open a suggestion that you to sign up here:

and start your debate. We can make an observation and give more comments.

Do you think this fair enough?

I knew Osi has a facebook, so he can sign up with his FB.

What about you Mike?
Posted by Osi Osgood (Member # 424) on July 18, 2014, 11:39 AM:
I agree with Winbert. If I have broken the rules on here, for buying/selling, then please, by all means, kick my arse off ...

However, I want to give you every benefit of the doubt Micheal, and everybody else that have repeatedly called me a thief, liar, fraud ect ... therefore, challenge number 2 ...

Micheal, and anybody else who wishes to contribute ...

If I, Osi Osgood, have ever made a trade on this forum or any other forum, in which I have not traded and given the person the very film promised, as promised, then by all means, make mention of it here, as I would most certainly wish to make things right.

For instance, I mention one thing here that only came to my attention about two or so months ago ...

Guy Tessier, a fine fellow, traded with me, cartoon for cartoon. He sent me a Popeye cartoon, and I sent him a "Motormouse and Autocat" cartoon ...

Or so I thought ...

A few months back, I was informed by Guy that he had not received the cartoon from me. I immediately scoured by film collection, (not easy, as I'm not good at keeping it orderly), and sure enough, I found the very cartoon I thought I had sent, and I know it's the print that I was going to send Guy, cuz I only had one "Motormouse and Autocat' cartoon.

I immediat5ely PM'd Guy, (on another forum) and apologized for having not sent it, and asked for his address to send it off right away. He wrote back stating "don't bother" and along the lines of, "Its not important" ....

... but I would still be more than happy to get this off to him, as I consider it his. He's just got ta say, "send her off".

Everyone is more than welcome to contact Guy for verification, and I believe I still have the PM's that I could reproduce here concerning this trade ...

However, this was not a case of theft or dishonest actions, It was simply forgotten by me.

However, the second challenge is out there to you, Micheal, as well as anybody else ...

Surely, if I am a fellow that needs a good "tarring and feathering" and being ostracized, then I must have stolen from someone, I must have defrauded someone on any film trade that I have made. I must have purposefully went out of my way to steal from SOMEONE out there.

... and, if I have accidentally screwed up on a trade somewhere, at sometimes, by all means folks, make it known, as I will most certainly make it right. I can't think of a single time I have not mailed off exactly what I have described to any collector on here or elsewhere, whether it was a trade ...

... or even an ebay auction. State where I have ever defrauded a single collector by not mailing off exactly what I have described ...(and lets not get asinine and go on about the definition of "core" for pete's sake.)

I have never had a person come back on me and say I didn't send off exactly what I described, whether in trade or ebay.

But, the "gauntlet" is tossed, the challenge is put forth.

If I am the scumbag some folks have made me out to be, then by all means, make it public.

Where are the people that I did a bad trade with? Where are the people that have not gotten exactly what I have sold them (films) on ebay?

Go for it ....
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on July 18, 2014, 12:36 PM:
I typed a response, hell with it....I can't be bothered any more.

Osi, your behaviour as evidenced on this and the other forum over the past 6 months or so suggest that you're dishonest, you're a liar, you stole money from that market. There's a long shot that I'm wrong but I doubt it. You've done nothing to prove otherwise.
In fact, on the contrary, you've, tripping over yourself with cover-up upon cover-up, dug the hole ever deeper.
Your time will come, my friend, without my help.

[ July 18, 2014, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Michael O'Regan ]
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on July 19, 2014, 09:30 AM:
Having just deleted a post that contained a personal attack (not from any of this thread's earlier participants), I feel it is necessary to close the topic at this time.

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