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Posted by Thomas Murin, Jr. (Member # 1745) on September 23, 2014, 11:16 PM:
AUDIO: DIGITAL SURROUND (Format varies by theater)
RUNNING TIME: 122 mins.
DATES OF VIEWINGS: September 03, 15
With two gift cards for theaters form last Christmas still to use, I decided to check out the highest grossing movie of the summer. Two weeks later, I used the other gift card to see Guardians again. It's been a very long time since I have been so entertained by a movie that I felt it was worthing seeing in theaters twice. Heck, I would've PAID to see it twice I liked it so much!
Guardians tells the story of Peter Quill who, in the movie's prologue is an 8 year old child whos mother is in a hospital dying of cancer. After she flatlines, Peter runs out of the hospital in grief and is promptly abducted by a spaceship. 26 years later, Peter we learn that Peter was abducted by The Ravagers, a group that is hired to steal various objects for their clients. As the movie opens, Peter is stealing a small orb. Before long, Peter is being chased by various parties interested in said orb.
That's just the setup for the most fun outer space adventure in ages. After the opening prologue with Peter's mother, which is played VERY seriously, the movie takes on a lighthearted tone that lasts for the rest of the movie. This is NOT an outright comedy, just a straightforward space adventure that knows not take itself too seriously.
Director and co-writer James Gunn shows remarkable knack for knowing just how much humor he can get away with in a given scene and also knows when to play it serious. The movie never feels uneven, it always feels just right. Gunn keeps the pace tight and fast but without resorting to the hyper editing of many modern movies. Nor does he once employ "shaky cam". The camera always remains steady even during the many action scenes.
The movie's plot can be confusing on the first viewing. There are a lot of characters being thrown at you, each with their own motivations. But, on my second viewing, it all made perfect sense now that I knew who was who and what was what.
There are also the usual connections to other Marvel movies which are fun to catch. The Collector from Thor: The Dark World makes an appearance here, for example.
The cast cannot be faulted. Each inhabits their character perfectly. No complaints here.
My first viewing was in 3D which nice and strong with several "out-of-screen" moments. My second viewing was in 2D. Each showing had it's plus and minuses:
The 3D made the movie more involving but was a small screen with low volume. So low I couldn't make out the dialogue at times!
The 2D showing was on a HUGE screen with the audio nice and loud. Just the right kind of loud, not overbearing at all. If this showing had been in 3D, I would've been in movie heaven!
I LOVE this movie and cannot wait to own it on 3D Blu-Ray!
I conclude this review with links to some brief scenes from the movie. Enjoy!
The prelude to the prison escape:
The "12%" scene:
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