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Posted by Rob Young. (Member # 131) on June 13, 2015, 04:48 AM:
This should give you all a laugh.

Received a fake email from "eBay" [Big Grin]

Part of it reads...

"Dear Customer

Please be aware that your PayPal Account expire in less than 48 H. It is indispensable to perform an audit of your data is present, otherwise your Account will be destroyed. Just click the link below ."

It's like their not even TRYING to be convincing!!! [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]

Made me chuckle as I pressed delete...
Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on June 13, 2015, 06:24 AM:
In the same category, I got recently two phone calls from "Microsoft" ; they wanted to help me to protect my computer. To add to the less of credibility of such calls, the "employee" talks in English (which is not an official language in Belgium) with an exotic accent. As soon as I told that I was not interested, the caller rudly hung up on me.
Posted by Terry Sills (Member # 3309) on June 13, 2015, 06:44 AM:
Oh Dom! How could you be so insensitive when that poor man was just trying to help you ( or should I say trying to relieve you of your bank balance ) - lol.
Posted by Steven J Kirk (Member # 1135) on June 13, 2015, 08:20 AM:
Yep scam phone calls. Always a long pause before the person speaks. They say their name is 'Johnny' or 'Tony' but the accent is South Asian. They say they are from the 'computer service centre'. That is about as far as credibility goes. 'There is something wrong with your computer' No, there isn't. 'There is something wrong with your Windows computer.' I use Apple. "We are getting messages from your computer, saying it has downloaded a number of malware programmes.' Er, don't have a computer... Get one about every 3 days at the moment but I remain polite. You could have such fun with them really. One I'm thinking of trying is 'Hello, Sgt Kirk, cybercrime unit, how can I help.'
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on June 13, 2015, 09:59 AM:
Well, you know me,
first off, the down side of this is that unfortunately there are very gullible people out there who will fall for it.
My way of handling the obvious Asian calls!!!!
I wont use the exact wording here but once they tell me there here to help with my PC,(or paypal or other bank account), I let them go on for around a minute, then I tell them exactly what I think of them, there family and there race, I do it calmly but with a language I guarantee will offend them and there religion and then I hang up.
Some people say I go down to there level, but as I don't shout or rant,(& they have interrupted my private time),it gives me a great pleasure, and I never hear from them again. They are scum and low life's. Its only happened to me three times that I can remember. And we are now registered with the TPS but it doesn't always prevent these calls & as we see on the TV news they leave vulnerable people with all there savings stolen. [Wink]
Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on June 13, 2015, 11:12 AM:
Terry, I'm maybe too selfish :-)
Posted by Brian Fretwell (Member # 4302) on June 13, 2015, 02:43 PM:
I just ask them pertinent questions until they (unable to answer) call me names and hang up. They do get upset if you take them off their script.
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on June 13, 2015, 03:02 PM:


"Hi, I'm Tonya, calling from Ersatz Wireless. We're calling today to offer you our unlimited worldwide flat-rate phone service"

-I'm sorry, we don't have a phone here.

"Well, I'm sure that we could....(??)...WAIT A MINUT"(CLICK!)



"Hi this is Bob from Constipation Finance. I'm calling to offer low rate refinancing of your home mortgage."

-BOB!!! Thank GOD you called! They're going to throw my furniture out on the lawn tomorrow! The bastards won't give me a break! So what if I missed a bunch of mortgage payments! It's not MY fault I have a gambling problem. It's all I had left after lost my JOB!



He hung up!

Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on June 14, 2015, 07:36 AM:
Or if they ask for the home owner I tell them we rent the place. That ends it.
Posted by Dave Groves (Member # 4685) on June 15, 2015, 02:22 PM:
Tom, when I read your post I was tempted to ring you as a talk talk operator from Dubai just to see what you said, but my modesty overcame me!!!
Posted by Mark Silvester (Member # 929) on June 15, 2015, 03:24 PM:
C'mon guys...give em a chance. They are only trying to make a living.. check this scoundrel out - caught red -handed!

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