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Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on March 13, 2018, 01:31 PM:
Who remembers this film?
Posted by Mike Newell (Member # 23) on March 13, 2018, 06:45 PM:
One of those weird mixed up westerns that came out in the 1960s Shalako and Scalphunters being other examples come to mind. The cast is diverse mind you Warners had Cagney and Bogart in westerns in the 1930s. Apparently Mc Kenna's Gold was very popular in USSR when released.
Funny how trends are repeated we had Cowsboys & Aliens plus the BMovie version with Kurt Russell Bone Tomahawk (seriously different) in the last few years.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on March 13, 2018, 11:20 PM:
Agree Mike
It was a strange one, but its a film you never forget. The music by Quincy Jones was outstanding, and "Ole Turkey Buzzard" by Jose Feliciano really added to the film. It would be great if Mackenna's Gold was once again released into the cinema, film print would be great, but digital would be ok...I would go
Mackenna's Gold opened in London as a Royal Charity Premiere in April 1969, followed by its American debt in July.
It is said by producer Carl Foreman I could have gone to Spain like everybody else, or Yugoslavia or the south of France, its true. But my story is Arizona, there isin't a Grand Canyon anywhere else.
Foreman, Thompson and Drake covered thousands of miles in a scouting expedition across the American Southwest in search of locations. They settled on sites in four states; Arizona. Utah, Oregon and California.
PS. The last western I watched at the cinema was the re-make of True Grit and what I saw seemed good, however I never did see the end of it, as the Eathquake in early 2011 hit the place causing a lot of damage to Reading Cinema, they were then closed for repairs for 9 months.
However prior to 2011 I did enjoy "3:10 To Yuma" when we ran a 35mm print, still hoping one day to come across a copy
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on March 14, 2018, 02:23 AM:
Paul foster recently sold an IB tech scope copy on 16mm.
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