Posts: 111
From: Selbyville, DE, USA
Registered: Oct 2014
posted April 17, 2015 07:14 PM
I just checked the print of Gone With the Wind. It is definitely on 600 foot reels instead of 400 foot reels. Does this take it out of the running for either night?
posted April 17, 2015 09:18 PM
At 238 minutes, I think GWTW is too long to run in its entirety. I'm sure we can squeeze a reel of it in on either Friday or Saturday night.
I've emailed the survey link to those I know who are coming. If you haven't received the link please send me an email. Thanks!
-------------------- I think there's room for just one more film.....
Posts: 111
From: Selbyville, DE, USA
Registered: Oct 2014
posted April 18, 2015 06:51 AM
Doug- I also think the entire film is a bit much to run. Plus so many have seen it already. I think the main interest would be from a collector's perspective. How does this Derann print look? Is it something other Super 8 collectors would want to add to their own collections? And to see a reel of it run through Gary's new sound system and your excellent Xenon projector will be a great experience. One reel will be enough to see what the print is like. I want to talk to you more about collecting and finding prints of some titles that are hard to come by in 16mm. Looking forward to being with you next week.
I did vote on the survey. So my vote is cast. They are all great titles, and everyone will be a great way to spend Friday night together. What time are we planning to gather Friday? I may have to take the last ferry over, which doesn't leave Lewes until roughly 6:30 I think.
Posts: 111
From: Selbyville, DE, USA
Registered: Oct 2014
posted April 18, 2015 08:32 AM
I just booked the ferry- 6:00 departure. There was no way I could make the ferry for 4:30 departure. They want you there an hour before, and I don't get out of school until 3. This way I won't be rushed... but I definitely want to see the feature. I should be there a bit before 8 I think.
Posts: 135
From: Philadelphia
Registered: May 2010
posted April 18, 2015 05:25 PM
I enjoy going to the Crusader on Saturdays because we can walk right over there. Just a suggestion, but on Sunday we can go to Samuels Pancake House. You would have to drive there, but Samuel's and Uncle Bills are the two most popular and in my opinion the best places to go in Wildwood for breakfast. Also they open that weekend as well.
Posts: 606
From: Galveston, Texas, U.S.A.
Registered: Mar 2007
posted April 18, 2015 07:04 PM
Since I can't be there, I am going to screen my super 8 copy of "Yellow Rose of Texas" on Friday night; the exact same night as the feature y'all are watching. Steve, it has been a few years but I don't remember my copy being unusually soft. I wonder if there was more than one distributer.
Thumbs up to Uncle Bill's Pancakes. Tell Sandy at the counter I said hey. I envy you fellows and I hope to see you next April.
Posts: 606
From: Galveston, Texas, U.S.A.
Registered: Mar 2007
posted April 21, 2015 09:21 AM
Jack, I will be at the show in Columbus. I have already made my reservation at the hotel downtown. Look forward to this. This will be my first time.
posted April 21, 2015 10:30 PM
We have a three way tie for the Friday Night Feature.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Super 8mm, color, scope) The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (Super 8mm, color, flat) Abbott & Costello in Keep 'Em Flying (16mmm, b&w, flat)
A new online survey with these three titles starts tonight.
-------------------- I think there's room for just one more film.....
Posts: 111
From: Selbyville, DE, USA
Registered: Oct 2014
posted April 24, 2015 04:49 AM
Little mix-up on my part friends. I have scheduled my ferry ticket in reverse... I'm scrambling to try and get it corrected, but I need to wait till I get to school this morning to see if anyone could watch my students for the last 20 minutes of class. Otherwise, my ferry won't be leaving until 6:15... It will be a tight 8:00 arrival for me. Might be a few minutes later. If I can get someone to cover class, I can take a 4:15 ferry. In limbo until I get to school. Car is packed, and so am I!