posted November 24, 2019 10:03 AM
The cutting is way too fast for the viewer to comprehend most of the sequences. Pieces of Silver, also by Chuck Workman, and distributed by Derann, has a somewhat more leisurely pace and is a much better film IMO.
-------------------- The best of all worlds- 8mm, super 8mm, 9.5mm, and HD Digital Projection, Elmo GS1200 f1.0 2-blade Eumig S938 Stereo f1.0 Ektar Panasonic PT-AE4000U digital pj
That is one huge list, imagine being the editor I will go through it later and see if they left anything out
As you say Steve its a great film to put on at your convention, What if you gave everyone a note pad and pen. The one that gets the most could win some sort of prize.
posted November 25, 2019 12:26 PM
There's actually a lesson to be learned from this film.
In case you've ever wondered: this is what it's like to learn a foreign language! You study your vocabulary and grammar for years, and in that classroom you are the language genius! Then comes that fine day you get off that plane and find yourself face to face with a native speaker and it's just like watching this movie: all these things you actually know pretty well come rushing past you like fence pickets in a tornado and you just can't process it all fast enough! Sure: you grab one here and one there, but you never have enough to build a fence!
(-and I'm not showing prejudice here either! It's hard to imagine being worse off than a novice English speaker in New York! )
There's this psychological rule of thumb that we are able to hold about seven independent concepts in our heads at the same time. So if you showed somebody "Reflections USA" and THEN gave them the slip of paper and the pen, they'd be able to write down no more than 7 of them!
-------------------- All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...