posted December 03, 2013 06:44 PM
Hello. I am new to the group and very glad to be here. I am having a problem with my EIKI NT-0. My upper loaded film reel seems to freewheel and just dump film. I have just installed new belts, they are rubber which I purchased from an old gentlemen who went out of business for camera's and projectors. At first it was just creeping and letting out film at a slow rate, now it just takes off flying .Does anyone know if there is and adjustment, and where that adjustment might be. I thought it might be the belts ,but, it just does not want to slow down.....thanks and glad to be here on your forum.
posted December 04, 2013 07:36 AM
Welcome to the site. The only speed adjusment I know is that one of the belts gives you a 18 fps speed one one position and 24 fps on the other.
Posts: 540
From: Aldershot, Hampshire, UK
Registered: Nov 2013
posted December 04, 2013 07:48 AM
Hi Sam, Have you changed all four belts? There is a motor belt that allows the speed change Dominique mentioned, a second internal belt driving the sprocket shafts and one each inside the reel arms. Apologies if you know this already.
posted December 04, 2013 09:00 AM
No, I have only changed the reel belts, and really I am not sure if they the correct ones. they seem to fit, but could be a little large . maybe they are not tracking in the pulleys correctly. Maybe the belts are the problem. All other belts look excellent. The old reel belts just turned to mush and broke into a million pieces. It just started this after I changed the reel belts.....the older gentlemen who sold me these said"These should work", so, they may not be the correct belts.....It didnt do this in the past when I used it, but that was a couple years ago. I believe it used"Urethane Belt's" If I am not mistaken.
Posts: 540
From: Aldershot, Hampshire, UK
Registered: Nov 2013
posted December 04, 2013 09:27 AM
The correct Eiki belts are essential when using large full reels. They don't last forever, I guess 10 to 20 years is typical, so they will need changing several times over the life of the projector. They're available from people like Richard Patchett (member of this forum)and two or three people in the UK who advertise occasionally on Ebay.
Posts: 5895
From: Bristol. United Kingdom
Registered: Oct 2007
posted December 04, 2013 10:52 AM
I believe there is a clutch system which unlocks the feed spool for rewinding whilst holding it back when in the feed position.
I have just looked at my M1 which may be similar to the NT-0 and the feed spool arm has two belts going to it, the one towards the operating side is a spring belt, and the belt away from the operating side is a rubber belt.
posted December 04, 2013 11:56 AM
Thanks to you all ..I am going to order some new belts and see how that helps. It has to be somthing simple, nothing else has been touched on the projector. i worked fine a couple weeks ago, then the belts went bye-bye. Thanks for all your advice. I will see what I can come up with. I will really enhoy this forum and hope I can be of some assistance in the future.
posted December 04, 2013 12:42 PM
Greetings Sam Welcome to this forum Theres one belt to the feed (supply) reel its a short one thats in side the projector (may be the trouble broken or missing Im a Eiki parts dealer and carry many eiki parts in stock The bekts that you need for the NT-0 is
ST-15211 Main drive belt ST-13151 Take up arm belt ST-13151 Suppy Arm Belt ST-12181 Motor belt ST-12181 Reverse belt
Please vist my web site for prices I have all theses in stock NEW From Eiki and not 3rd partys Thank you RC Thank you Paul for the referall
-------------------- RC’s Classic Collection 16 mm Parts & Service Elmo, Eiki, Bell & Howell +
posted December 13, 2013 10:42 AM
I now have squeaking in take-up real and the rewind comes to a complete halt before completely rewinding. Without a tape reel, the rewind seems real strong. I have a new belt on. I thought I would experiment with the new belt and left it off, and rewind was strong and smooth. It only drags down when the new belt is on there. Its a new EIKI 12151 belt. Has anyone expericend this before? Thanks, Sam PS the squeakings is coming from the top of the take-up reel in the spindle.