posted September 23, 2019 02:27 PM
This is just a mention re scratching on Elmo CL`s as someone at Elmo had the bright idea of the plastic rollers not clearing the picture area.
First thing to check is the first roller as the film goes in, if the little philips screw that holds it is tightened fully it often slows the roller going somewhat so puts pretty bad scratches that will build on the far right of the picture.
Slacken that screw off a little and make sure the roller whizze`s round freely.Also clean the shaft and inners with silicone if needed.
This also goes for the very last roller as the film exits the machine as well.They both mark noticably on the right of the picture and do have a tendancy to stick or slow enough.
Also when running film through look closesly at the 4 little rollers ( 2 in each shue ) in the sprocket shue`s, these are also not clearing the picture area and while not as bad as the first and last main rollers, they do mark. Make sure they are flying round.They can tend to stick and then also wear a little flatter so even worse.
Careful if you take them out to clean the shafts and inners with silicone ( not grease ) as bits go everywhere.
Anyway if you know all of this great, just a mention as a nice machine when right, but the rollers can be buggers.
Posts: 358
From: Tohoku, Japan
Registered: Oct 2015
posted September 23, 2019 06:42 PM
Those are all very good suggestions. That back roller can also stick if you tighten the screw closest to it too tight on the Elmo CL Xenon.
The plastic cover will end up pressing against the back plastic roller and it will stop spinning.
posted September 23, 2019 08:25 PM
Thanks Mark for the heads up. I am going to check the rollers on my CLs now. I didn't realize this could be a problem.
-------------------- Janice
"I'm having a very good day!" Richard Dreyfuss - Let It Ride (1989).
posted September 24, 2019 03:39 AM
Hi Janice/Jason, yes its worth a nosey with a torch to see what is going round nicely or not.
These things are about the only way an Elmo CL can scratch usually.
As long as your rubber ones are rolling smoothly too, and also not the crazy just black plastic non reliefed ones for sale on ebay, they are grim.
The first in and last out main black plastic rollers can really mark the film.
Though I also like to make sure the lower loop does not touch right down, but up a mm or two.So often do the odd reset. The black plastic underneath it is recessed but I still feel better when its just up if you will.But not to far up to run against the black roller thats under the gate.
Its a mystery to me why on earth the rollers don`t clear the picture area. Its hardly anything extra needed.
Be a good adpation to make rollers for both ends and the 4 small shue rollers so they clear fully whatever, sticking or not to be on the safe side.
A very slight slacken off on the shue rollers screws can work as well sometimes if you don`t fancy taking them off to clean etc.
Best Mark.
[ September 24, 2019, 05:09 AM: Message edited by: Mark Todd ]