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Posted by Christian Escobar (Member # 6719) on July 07, 2019, 06:30 AM:

I've recently shot my first cartridge of Super 8 and the results are not what I expected.

The manual for my camera says that when I insert a daylight film cartridge, it'll deactivate the 85 filter for outdoor use. However, my film came back all yellow/tungsten looking - the colours are wrong. Should I see if I can get that fixed? or can I use a screw on filter to place on my lens when shooting outdoors? If so, what type and what's a good brand?

Also most of my shots came out blurry, even though i focused correctly on shoot. any tips on this problem? Could it be a shallow depth of field kind of issue?

Here's an edit I did with my film. Even tho the colours are not what i expected, it suits the theme of the shoot.

Posted by Evan Samaras (Member # 5070) on July 07, 2019, 09:11 AM:
Hi Christian,

Happy to hear you're shooting film!

Which film stock did you use?

If the focus alignment is off it sounds like it needs servicing. However, I would first ask if you made sure the viewfinder diopter was properly focused for your eye before using the camera. If the viewfinder was not focused to your eye, it would make sense to me why your footage would end up out of focus. What I think I might also be seeing (although maybe my eyes are being tricked) is that half the frame looks like it might be closer in focus than the other. Maybe this is due to positioning, or maybe the film is not lying flat in place.

Have you done any color correction in post to the film that you shot?
Posted by Mike Spice (Member # 5957) on July 07, 2019, 10:19 AM:
might not be what you were expecting but I think that looks amazing.
How was this scanned?
Posted by Nantawat Kittiwarakul (Member # 6050) on July 07, 2019, 07:47 PM:
The right part of the frame is noticeably blurrier than the left. It might be some film gate alignment issue inside?
Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on July 07, 2019, 08:18 PM:
Colours don't look wrong to me. About the focus, results not depend only of the settings but on the quality of your lens and as said by Evan the correct adptation of the viewfinder diopter. Back to the settings, as far as I know, three factors will affect the focus : 1) The distance you shoot from. You will see on the distance ring that the figures are very precise when the distance is short (I use the metric system in my examples : 1.2 1.5 2 2.5 3) and then less when it's far away (5 10 20 and infinite). For short distances, don't hesitate to use a ruler if you can) 2) The light : the more light, the more the aperure number will be high (11 16 or 22) and the more depth field you will get. On the contrary, the less the aperture number will be (1.1 1.8 2.8 4), the less depth field you will have 3) The zoom. The smaller the figure is (8 12 15), the more depth field, the higher (35 45 60 or more) the less depth field. That the reason why one should alway focus with the zoom on the most powerful position as if you, for example, focus on the 15 position and then, while you're filming, zoom up to 48 or 60, you may end with an out of focus picture at the end of your scene. I hope it's clear, if not I'm sure a member will convert those explanations into English [Big Grin]
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on July 08, 2019, 09:17 AM:

Congratulations on your first Super 8mm shoot!

Along with Evan, I'm also curious as to whether you've done any color correction. The colors are a bit muted but the flesh tones are fine and it is a very nice look.

As for the focus, it could be as mentioned by Nantawat that the film is not running flat through the gate. The lens may also not have been seated properly which would account for one side being sharper than the other.

Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on July 08, 2019, 09:52 AM:
Could it be something goofy with the internal pressure plate on that one cartridge?

(Murphy is always hiding behind the scenes, ready to enforce his law!)
Posted by Janice Glesser (Member # 2758) on July 08, 2019, 10:03 AM:
For a first shoot I also think it looks very good. Just needs a little color correction and digital sharpening in post. It's amazing what you can do to improve film transfers. Keep at it...very exciting!
Posted by Nicholas Katrinic (Member # 7023) on July 14, 2019, 10:01 PM:
Hello. Just saw your video The Country Club. That was a very good video and audio . very entertaining. Thank you for sharing that. I'll be glad when the Film Photography Project comes out with their Cine 8 Color Film for regular 8mm cameras..

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