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Posted by John Davey (Member # 293) on August 02, 2005, 09:12 PM:
I am looking for the Greman Super 8 Rocky Horror extract. Do not know what company released it.
Also, if Rocky Horror exists in Super 8 as a full print. I would be interested in that as well.
also interested in any film related to Rocky Horror (TIm Curry music videos, Little Nell music videos, advertising for the movie or stage show, etc.)
What the hell. I would be interested in alomst ANYTHING Rocky Horror on Super 8, or any film format for the amtter (except the US Super 8 release. Already have that.)
John davey
Posted by Ricky Daniels (Member # 95) on August 03, 2005, 09:14 AM:
I've seen a trailer for RHPS on Super8, look out for it if you've not already got it. Also Perry's movies once had the feature for sale on their Super8 used list but it was a homemade pirate copy if I remember correctly.
Posted by Andreas Eggeling (Member # 105) on August 03, 2005, 09:45 AM:
Hi John,
In the 50s and 60s Musicals from outside Germany were completly dubbed. The Rock-Musicals of the 70s were not dubbed. The Rocky Horror Picture Show was only subtitled for German Television.
There were the two companies UFA and Inter-Pathé in Germany who distributed the Ken Version only.
Only the packing is different. Typical UFA-Artwork.

Wish to have this title full length.
[ August 03, 2005, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: Andreas Eggeling ]
Posted by John Davey (Member # 293) on April 14, 2008, 06:40 AM:
Just wanted to bump this and ask...
I assume you've seen the US Super 8 digest to know it is the same as the German release?
Alos, I am wondering what film stock the German release is on. The US version was on Eastman and every copy I've come across is fading.
Am still interested no matter what just for the different box art. I am a Rocky Horror collector as well as a film collector, so the box art matters to me.
Thanks for your replies so far.
John Davey
Posted by John Davey (Member # 293) on February 15, 2009, 09:33 AM:
Bump. Still looking for this.
Posted by John Davey (Member # 293) on June 16, 2009, 03:00 AM:
bump. still on the search for this
Posted by Winbert Hutahaean (Member # 58) on June 16, 2009, 04:39 PM:
You may have to know that Andreas used to be a good contributor to this forum. But as he already changed his location frum Ulm (Germany) to R.I.P seems that he is no longer involved in this forum.
But I believed some of our members are still in touch with him personally and can give a direct email (because John Clancy wrote together an article with him a year ago).
I don't know if this nice guy will appear again in our forum. How about that Andreas? we love your contribution.
BTW, he also has his own website for selling and buying 8mm films, but I forgot the name.
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on June 16, 2009, 10:04 PM:
You may be interested to know that towards the end of the time that Derann were releasing Fox features, I did raise the possibility of them releasing the film full length when Derek invited questions at a Derann Open Day. He said that he assumed that it was a film that collectors would not go for - obviously it was very different to the Fox musicals they released - but when two or three other collectors there also expressed interest, he said he would look into it, although nothing subsequently came of it. It would have been interesting to know if it would have sold in reasonable quantities.
I have a good quality quite long trailer released on its own by Canterbury, but I think someone elese also released it on a reel with two others.
Incidentally, if anyone would be interested in a somewhat battered Eastman 16mm print, let me know as I have a spare one.
Posted by Hans van der Sloot (Member # 494) on June 17, 2009, 02:25 AM:
Hi Adrian,
I would like to have something from the RHPS.
How much do you want for it?
Posted by Hans van der Sloot (Member # 494) on June 18, 2009, 02:41 PM:
Hi Adrian,
Your email is disabled on this forum, so I can't reach you.
Can you please send me a mail about RHPS?
Thanks, Hans
Posted by John Davey (Member # 293) on December 07, 2009, 03:09 PM:
Bumping this. still looking for that German super 8 extract.
Posted by John Davey (Member # 293) on August 09, 2010, 08:59 PM:
Bumping this again. Anybody?
Posted by Bill Phelps (Member # 1431) on August 10, 2010, 05:23 PM:
John...Just some info about the trailer. I want this reel for a different reason than you. It was released by Thunderbird and had:
Rocky Horror/Phantom of the Paradise/The Magic Christian
I want the trailer for Phantom, so good luck in your search!
Posted by Adrian Winchester (Member # 248) on August 10, 2010, 05:49 PM:
In addition to the above trailer reel, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the trailer was also released individually by Canterbury. I have one I bought new and it's a very nice print and also has a caption (late show Saturday, or something like that) at the end. I think this was also available from Canterbury on 16mm.
Posted by David Kilderry (Member # 549) on August 11, 2010, 08:15 PM:
I ran late shows of this years ago at a theatre I worked at. Midnight every friday. The place went crazy.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on August 13, 2010, 04:13 AM:
We interlocked a rough old 35mm print for a one of evening screening just last September. Its the only print in NZ I believe.
People turned up dressed for the occasion
the place went nuts "a very popular movie" funny thing though the projectionist that was doing his first interlock that night was 16yrs old and asked me why people were dressed up as "maids"
my reply.... well its like this........
PS I still haven't seen it
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