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Posted by Ernie Zahn (Member # 274) on January 28, 2005, 03:43 PM:
I just purchased A Shot In The Dark from Naushad Mohamed and was very satisfied with whjat I got. The print in great condition mounted three 1800' reels and the color is great. Anyone looking for a good print, I'd reccomend getting it from him, and if there are any problems he's willing to fix them. When I received the film I realized I needed storage cases for the reels and he offered them to me free of charge.
Posted by Tony Milman (Member # 7) on January 28, 2005, 04:41 PM:
Look Ernie, I don't wish to be rude but who can vouch for you?
Posted by Ernie Zahn (Member # 274) on January 29, 2005, 02:59 PM:
I made a transaction with him, it went very well, and he asked to leavepositive feedback nothing more. So that's what I did. I'm merely vouching on his gurantee of a good deal. And I do apologize for putting this in two forums, for those of you who noticed. This is the forum I meant to put it in.
Posted by John A. Pommon (Member # 292) on March 05, 2005, 09:34 AM:
Just out of curiosity when did you ask Naushad for the title?
Naushad has something for me, was going to ship it to a contact here in the states and eventually to me. Not sure what's going on, but it's been a few months.
Posted by Alan Gouger (Member # 31) on March 09, 2005, 11:05 AM:
Thanks for sharing your feedback. Glad to see someone had a positive experience with Naushad Mohamed. Nothing wrong with sharing this. Thats what the forums are for.
I have a problem buying from someone out of country who never mentions quality of his titles in his descriptions. That tells me he does not pre screen them and most likely does not have possession of them. Ill bet he does not see most of what he sells and is most likely selling for others.
I have inquired a few times about the quality of a title I see in his list and I get a very brief " its good" and nothing else. Almost as if Ive bothered him.
I have also read in other forums some ( not all) were disappointed in the quality of their purchase.
This guy is off my list until he learns how to properly represent a title.
Posted by Kevin Faulkner (Member # 6) on March 09, 2005, 12:10 PM:
I think in this case your quite right Alan. Dont buy from him.
Eventually he will have to change his ways if he finds that people are not interested in his deals any more.
Posted by Naushad Mohamed (Member # 288) on March 22, 2005, 12:55 AM:
i have been absent from this forum for a while npw due to other commitments.alan ,you are right i sell prints for alot of people.ernie bought a print from e and i told him its in good conditionand thats exactly what he got. a print in good condition.
i will tell a client when a print has plenty of splices and if its faded,but most times i list them as described to me.
kevin,you have never contacted me before neitehr do i know who you are.i suggest you ask me questions about prints and other dealings before you go off and judge me.
fyi i sell prints all the time.if there is a problem i will exchange it.just because i dont list them on any forum does not mean i stopped selling.most people buying from me are not memebrs on this forum on any other.they do monitor the forum,but they are not memmbers.thats what teh forum is there for to advertise and discuss product.
anyway if u need anymore questions in future,ask emdirectly.i will answer them
Posted by Tony Milman (Member # 7) on March 22, 2005, 12:50 PM:
I don't think Kevin's remarks were anything other than factual. As for Ernie how we are to know that you are not both the same person or closely connected I am afraid is an issue for some collectors.
This is a tightly knit forum and when buying prints many people have been burned many times before and are rightly careful when it comes to new members advertising in this way.
That is not to say in anyway that you are not a perfectly respectable seller who if there was a problem would be true to his word. However, whereas ebay has a system to guide you on the reliability of a seller we here do not and have to rely on recommendations from those we have a history with.
I am afraid you may find it hard to convince people of your integrity without someone that we all know vouching for you!
Just some friendly advice, nothing implied or meant, from one collector to another etc etc
Posted by Kevin Faulkner (Member # 6) on March 22, 2005, 04:39 PM:
Actually Naushad I did enquire about some prints you were selling a couple of years ago and you reply to me then was they were in very good condition. As this did not answer my questions I didnt go any further.
What I find very strange about this whole thread is that Ernie starts this thread which in the way it was written seemed very strange. Its almost as if someone asked him to write it or that it was in fact the same person.
My comments to Alan still remain the same. If your not happy then dont buy its as simple as that.
If someone selling films doesnt answer my questions then I dont buy because it suggests he probably has something to hide. Simple really.
Posted by Naushad Mohamed (Member # 288) on March 22, 2005, 10:46 PM:
kevin. i rememebr the name vaguely,but dont recall which movie u were interested in. fyi i dont know who ernie is.he just bought once from me and i had it deilivered to him by a friend in the usa.i just asked him to post that he received the movie cause some people were sceptical.i described the condition to him in similar way.very good and thats what he received.all i did was respond to his want list and sent him the print.
ernie thought he had a problem with the print and i asked him to check it properly.
this was his response
You're right, I checked it, it was just that one reel was at it's end so it seemed as though the beginning was cut off when in fact it was just the end of the reel. I watched it in its entirety, the color is very nice, there are scratches at the beginning of the film but that's ok. It was nice doing business with you. I do have one question though, do you have any cans I could use for these reels? They're 1800' reels.
----- Original Message -----
From: naushad mohamed
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 2:39 AM
To: Ernie Zahn
Subject: Re: A Shot In The Dark
so here is no hidden agenda. i dont have time for it. if u want more info on a print then i will check it thorougly.
i hope this answer some question
Posted by Jan Bister (Member # 332) on March 22, 2005, 11:25 PM:
... 1800' reels?
Posted by Naushad Mohamed (Member # 288) on March 28, 2005, 01:56 AM:
i think ernie meant 16ooft reels
Posted by Dan Lail (Member # 18) on March 28, 2005, 04:31 PM:
Sorry guys, I totally deleted this post after reading some enlightening information I wasn't aware of. ![[Smile]](smile.gif)
[ March 28, 2005, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: Dan Lail ]
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