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Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on August 06, 2017, 04:04 AM:
Just wanted to ask you 16mm die hards an opinion please.
I know it sounds like another "whats your favourite" bore but let me explain. As you may know we have recently got into the beginnings of collecting 16mm and really beginning to enjoy it. I have,in the past,had a b&H TQ2 specialist but got rid of it due to a fault.we curruntly use an elfnt1 which we like very much and have bought two lenes for it and a scope bracket. I like this unit as it is easy to service and spares are relativly easy to get.
My reason for asking you all what you consider to be a good 16mm projector is simply because next year we are going to attend blackpool and will be moving bits and pieces on to raise funds to treat ourselves up. One of the things i will be looking at picking up is another 16mm unit. I have seen so many out there.elf,b&h,bauer,elmo to name a few but some of the really good ones look fab but if they go wrong can the avererage bloke fix it himself like the elfs. Are there better eiki's? Maybe a three claw one and which ones can i put through an amp.
I wont buy one via the postal service due to a bad experience both for me and seller. They are just thrown around so blackpool will be our best bet. This year we are going away so couldnt do it this year.
I dont want to get into putting any models down i simply would like the opinions of you 16 collectors of many years and those of you who have worked in the industry.
Thanks in advance.
Posted by Maurice Leakey (Member # 916) on August 06, 2017, 05:09 AM:
In my opinion, the latest models of Bell & Howell with a brand new worm gear fitted would be my favourite, such as the TQM, model 2692, which I recently purchased and was later fitted with a new worm by my engineer. Now, a superb projector.
However, if you have an Elf with various lenses, I suggest you keep with an Elf (no trouble with worms!). Perhaps a later model in the Slim Line range, the SNT-1, or if you also want magnetic playback, the model SNT-2.
There seems no point for you to acquire any other make. As you said, spares are quite easily obtainable, and you have the ability to do work as required on your Elf.
Stick to what you know.
Posted by Simon McConway (Member # 219) on August 06, 2017, 05:23 AM:
My advice is to head straight to David Guest's tables at this year's Blackpool. He always has the very best range and all are reasonably priced.
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on August 06, 2017, 05:40 AM:
Thanks maurice. That does make sense as the lenses and scope bracket,whike great prices,have cost us around 200 in total.
Simon. Thank you also, as it happens this was in my mind. I know david has more films and projectors than anyone else. I am hoping nearer the time that he will have one we need and being at the xonvention i will get to see it running and probably do some good film deals to. I know its a year before we can go but it gives me time to gather a nice bit of cash together and both me and my brother will attend. Really looking foward to meeting many people from the hobby and getting some films in both 8 and 16. And and nice stay over at Blackpool. Never been there.
Posted by David Skillern (Member # 607) on August 06, 2017, 06:09 AM:
I will be attending again this year with my wife and we will be going up a day earlier on the Friday till the end of the convention on the Sunday. It will be good to meet you in 2018 - and hopefully once you've been you'll realise that once a year - it's worth the effort. I had an absolute blast last year - bought quite a few features on 8 and 16mm and some cutdowns on 8mm. Blackpool has a rough and ready charm all of it's own - but i'm really looking forward to this November as David Guest has some new sellers that will be in attendance - and that has got to be a great thing to keep this hobby going for many years to come .
Posted by Tom Photiou (Member # 130) on August 06, 2017, 07:55 AM:
I have to add that one thing i do regret is never attending conventions yeas ago. I know i have missed the best years with derann and the likes all being there.
I am glad we did a few ealings as it was our first one that i met Dereck and had a good yarn with him as well as others.
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