I just received the Universal 8 digests of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, and having watched it, and having seen and had the 200ft digest, I realized that this was one of the very rare occurrences where a 200ft digest of the same title, actually had a good deal of footage that could be added to the digest, at least four or so minutes, Buck being juiced up with drugs, Buck visited the abandoned city and finding his parents graves, extra footage for m the Ball sequence, plus more. Of course, it would necessitate a need for a 800ft reel instead of a 600ft reel, but an even better digest. The one really big problem? While the 2x400ft digest might just be found with slightly passable color, I have never seen that 200ft special trailer with good color, even still in it's shrinkwrap, the color is gone. Well, here goes another semi pointless search!