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My son got to see my new rough edit of 3 rolls of Foma R-100 shot in a B8 camera and developed in a Lomo tank. This short shows the projector set up at 16 feet away. https://youtu.be/ltFwV7dqVV0
Movies looked great Michael. I love when they are black & white. I believe your Revere projector has a variable speed dial. From the fast movements you must have had it cranked up to full speed. Your family is going to love looking at the home movies. Brings back so many memories.
Thanks guys for responding. Yes the speed was high so as to reduce any flicker caused by the video camera. I projected at about the slowest speed for my audience. Some of the shots were done in 12 frames per second to get more light in the exposures. The people in the church interior jump around like ants.
I don't know if you are using an editing program Michael, but after capturing at a fast speed to avoid flickering you can then slow the speed back to normal with the editor. Keep up the good work!
Yes, I use Final Cut Pro X, but I am much more interested in exposing and developing the film than in digital manipulation of it. I like the whole projecting thing. The videos put on line are a reminder to me of what I did, when and how. Foma R-100 was shot last night and developed this morning and I am astounded that there is more room to push the film. The images are much brighter developed a longer time and without the toning. The 12.5 Switar is much lighter than the 5.5mm Switar. I'll have to close down the aperture on the 12.5 so the images match better and then push the developing longer next time. More to come.