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Printing Issues ...
The Calamity Jane feature was a brilliant print. Even the promo trade reel on 400 reel was a superb digest apart from the odd green line already built into the print.
I certainly remember when Derek announced that Buck Labs was getting its Peterson printer overhauled due to wastage many years ago. I think it was when the test print of "Calamity Jane" had been sent with a pronounced vertical judder every couple of seconds. One reel of that was shown at a BFCC and the announcement was to ensure people didn't think the release prints would be like that - they weren't and I have a very good copy.
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This is all good to hear, as Andec is truly the "last ones on the block" and are willing to take care of they're machinery, instead of merely running it into the ground.
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Such good news that the lab cares.
Around 2004 - 2005, Northern Labs that Derann used were printing everything off center.
Loads of prints from that era with a white line down the side of frame, including my feature print of, "The Reptile".
I remember watching a show at Blackpool about that time and the latest Derann trailers; all off center and covered in negative dust.
Then some trailers from Classic Home Cinema, printed by Andec. And despite the acetate stock with it's slightly dull look and grain, they were steady as a rock and clean.
I went to see Phil to compliment him on the print quality from Andec. He was of the opinion that Northern Labs had already stopped caring.
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Speaking for myself I can only rain praise on the lab and the pots of money they invested in the overhaul. The work has resulted in a quality product the like not seen for decades.
Every lab had its moments back in the day with faulty prints we should not forget. Had to send a couple of new features back to Derann one time as one had flashing on screen and the other sound stripe was like jelly piling up on the sound head.
Enjoying the new prints very much and a breath of fresh air to our collection.
Be nice to see some new cartoons.
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The lab took care of the streaking issue over 3 months ago when they shut down to have the printer repaired. I've heard nothing but positive comments about the prints that have been struck since then.
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THAT is excellent to hear! I might reconsider buying that feature sometime soon.
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I do understand your concerns Osi as I myself had to return my Jaws print with the bad streaking on the right hand side so imagine my worries when I had ordered a new full length print from Steve. He assured me the lab problem had been resolved. I’m delighted to say the print I received is excellent with no lab marks at all.
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Super 8 collecting has many pitfalls and eccentricities. To be fair those who are releasing these titles are doing the best they can but because the volume and infrastructure doesn’t exist anymore there are likely to be teething issues and problems. Maybe they can be overcome in time. Let’s face it there has been much 8mm released since Derek Simmonds died.
Collectors are fickle people some are quite happy with red, scratched or soft prints others wouldn’t give them time of day.
To buy or not to buy is an individual choice.
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Printing Issues ...
OK, in starting this conversation, everyone knows my absolute LOVE of Super 8, and I am happy to see the new releases and all. Having said that, I am really at odds about investing in future super 8, features or otherwise. It's because of the "streaking" or strange "wiping", as we have seen on the more recent releases, (Dave, to his credit, showed an example of this in his review of his JAWS review, could someone perhaps put that screenshot up for illustration?). I am assuming that there is a technical term for this corruption of the film image. I have it on my JAWS as well. Yes, the image is super sharp and much appreciated, but I don't think that I would buy another feature or otherwise, unless the lab can correct this, if it can be corrected. The reason being that, though my wife and kids don't really notice it, I do, and that's what is important. It's most apparent in scenes where there is an extended one color sequence. The dark blue of the beginning scenes of the JAWS digest, it is noticeable on my feature print of Empire Strikes Back, especially in the Hoth scenes. Yes, there is a feature that I would be willing to buy, even brand new from the labs, but if it has that streaking, I honestly wouldn't want it. I would be more likely to buy a used one in good condition, that wouldn't have that defect. Your thoughts, ladies and Gentlemen?
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