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Julie Andrews on Super 8

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  • Melvin England
    Thanks Carter ! I have never seen that cut down before but nice to know that at least a bit of it is on super 8.

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  • Steve Klare

    Per Google Translate: "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" is "Superkalifragilistischexpiallegetisch" auf Deutsch!

    (I can't decide if that's much of an improvement!)

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  • Carter Bradley
    A portion of "Super..." is in the Piccolo 300' digest of "Mary Poppins" with a German soundtrack. Click image for larger version

Name:	Mary Poppins.jpg
Views:	163
Size:	304.7 KB
ID:	62391

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  • Melvin England
    I think Paul may have indirectly answered my question in his first post on this thread...... but I will ask it anyway.....

    Apart from the Jolly 'Oliday and Super Nanny extracts from Mary Poppins, was there ever a 200' release of "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" ?
    And if there wasn't..... that is something "Quite atrocious!"

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  • Mike Newell
    Originally posted by Steve Klare View Post

    Fraulein Maria was no Julie Andrews!

    (-pretty steep standard for anyone to live up to!)
    Not unless your best friend was a guide dog.

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  • Steve Klare

    Fraulein Maria was no Julie Andrews!

    (-pretty steep standard for anyone to live up to!)
    Last edited by Steve Klare; June 27, 2022, 02:58 PM.

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  • Mike Newell
    Hi Steve

    More Kathy Bates from Misery than Julie Andrews. Memories of Vienna lots of walking and steps. You need to be fit and young.

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  • Steve Klare
    Yes, our trouble is we went to Vienna at the end of the trip. We didn't have enough time and had burned off our enthusiasm for traveling by then. Didn't see nearly as much as we should have.

    -same thing happened to Berlin the next time we went!

    -a marriage of convenience ehhhhh? Tough job making a musical out of that!

    I am 32 going on 33, no one will marry me!
    You are much older, stooped at the shoulder, baby we're meant to be!
    I am 58 going on 59 and I have all these kids!
    I if should croak it would be no joke, they WILL wind up on the skids!

    If you marry me,
    They'll make a musical!
    Fictional though it be!
    When you're 58 going on 59 that's the best it could be!

    (The Sound of Music: the version nobody wants to see!)

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  • Mike Newell
    There were actually two films. Die Trapp-Familie (1956), and a sequel, Die Trapp-Familie in Amerika (1958), both were quite successful.

    Georg the father was actually a gentle, warmhearted parent who enjoyed musical activities with his family. While this change in his character might have made for a better story in emphasizing Maria's healing effect on the von Trapps, it distressed his family greatly. He also died in 1947 and wasn’t around to complain.

    Maria was the iron fist of the family.

    Georg was also technically Italian not Austrian born in Zadar now Croatia it was part of Austria/Hungary empire but was part of Italy from 1920. He held Italian citizenship as did his wife and children.

    There were 10 children not 7. They were already musically inclined before Maria arrived.

    Georg was reasonably well off when Maria married him. Lost all their money during the depression. Maria sacked all the servants made the move to music family. They were in the singing entertainment business well before the war.

    She stated in many interviews she didn’t love Georg but liked him.

    They didn’t leave at night being chased by nazi across the Alps to Switzerland. They left by train for a pre arranged tour with their agent to Italy, Europe and America.

    Steve agree with you about Salzburg. Nice wee city doesn’t compare to Vienna. Never want to see another Mozart chocolate bar again.

    The rest is showbiz!

    Want a real horror story look up Robert Stroud Birdman of Alcatraz fame. Certainly not as portrayed in the film. There were reasons why he was never released from prison and you certainly wouldn’t want to be in a room alone with him. 🧟‍♂️

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  • Steve Klare

    There was also an earlier German language film made in Austria that stuck closer to the facts of the matter and Austrians like this one much better.

    There were also problems in Salzburg during the filming of The Sound of Music. It was (and is) illegal to display the flag of Nazi Germany in Austria and without discussing it with anybody, the film crews hung them quite liberally in places both public and private. It basically went downhill from there: they were asked to leave Salzburg earlier than they'd planned and parts of The Sound of Music meant to be filmed in Salzburg were done in Los Angeles instead.

    Still the same: there's more than enough of Salzburg in the movie, that when you've been there you keep saying "HEY! WE saw that!"

    -and don't get me wrong: if they can make a few Euros in tours and merchandise, they won't turn their backs on you! Without the The Sound of Music, we may have just kept going to Vienna for a few extra days. (Salzburg IS a beautiful old city, with or without the movie.)

    On the bus tour, we were in the village where they filmed the wedding. There was a real wedding as we were there and we learned that it is tradition there for the Bride to walk to Church behind a brass band.

    -I felt relieved my wife didn't know this before WE got married!

    We were in Vermont and went to the Trapp Family Lodge: great gift shop! (I called it the Tourist von Trap!)

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  • Mike Newell
    Originally posted by Carter Bradley View Post
    I once heard a supposed quote from Maria Von Trapp, "Lovely movie, but I'm not sure whose life it was supposed to be." Probably a fictional quote, but funny all the same.
    The Sound of Music movie bears no resemblance to the truth like most movies. In Austria until recently there was no mention of SOM anywhere and quite a bit of resentment against the Von Trapps. Mozart was flavour of the month.

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  • Burton Sundquist
    I am Dame July Andrews fan as well and have nothing further to add except that the Full Features of The Sound of Music and Victor / Victoria are excellent! Great color and sharp. My SOM was a mono release but could not be recorded in stereo due to poor balance stripe quality. When Alberto resumes removing aged Derann stripes I would consider it for this one, currently in Mono Dolby Digital. I haven't tested V/V for stereo potential but I will get to it.

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  • Osi Osgood
    Mike, you are a wealth of information. I never knew S.O.B was an optical sound feature! I'll have to look for that. Knowing my luck, there is only one We should compare lists sometime!

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  • Steve Klare
    What's also interesting that's rarely mentioned is Captain von Trapp was a submarine commander, and that's why Berlin was so interested.

    So, in some bizarre alternate Universe, Georg von Trapp DID go to Bremerhaven instead of Vermont!

    -They DON'T have the Sound of Music, but Christopher Plummer stars in Das Boot!😁

    Maybe with a little crossover to The Hunt for Red October so he winds up in Vermont anyway!

    (-and maybe Julie Andrews gets to be Eliza Doolittle opposite Rex Harrison, and still wins Best Actress that year.)

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  • Carter Bradley
    I once heard a supposed quote from Maria Von Trapp, "Lovely movie, but I'm not sure whose life it was supposed to be." Probably a fictional quote, but funny all the same.

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