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Posted by James N. Savage 3 (Member # 83) on August 08, 2006, 12:56 PM:
Hi to all-

I was just wondering if anybody else was using thier super 8 cameras this summer.

I just recently got back from vacation in Niagra Falls Canada (beautiful, by the way). I decided to shoot in super 8 cinemascope, since the scenery up there is so vast. I shot at 24 fps. I used two Kodachrome carts and two of the new E-64 (my first time using these [Eek!] ). I just sent all the carts to Dwayne's Photolab in Kansas, so I should have results in about a week.

I used a cheap mini-casette recorder for some brief on-screen narration by my 16 year old son (could be last childhood family vacation with him, since he'll be graduating high-school next year [Frown] ).

I suppose I'll have it sound-striped at EVT and add sound effects, music and dialog later. With a little luck, the production will be ready for a Christmas holiday movie show!

Just thought I'd throw this out there to see if I'm the only one shooting this summer [Wink] .

Posted by Alan Rik (Member # 73) on August 08, 2006, 02:44 PM:
I just finished shooting some Super 8 Tri-X and some Ektachrome 64T. Well the EK 64T didn't look that great. But the Tri-x was simply stunning. I can't wait to try out the K25 and the 100D in DS8 that I should be receiving this week.
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on August 08, 2006, 05:13 PM:
I'm currently shooting the last of my pre-paid Kodachrome. Since I've been doing too much of the fun shooting (going out to locations and getting the main footage), I'm actually buckling down now and doing some real work (as in making and shooting titles).

I have about four unfinished films , so there is a lot of this kind of stuff to do before September 25th and the end of pre-paid processing.

After that: Editing!!! then back to Plus-X!
Posted by David Kilderry (Member # 549) on August 09, 2006, 07:16 AM:
I'm shooting heaps as always. Just shot 8 Kodachrome rolls and still have some more including sound rolls that I will hold over.

I too have lots of titles and sound work ahead of me, I just enjoy the shooting so much I get behind in my editing. I still have 16mm in the fridge too so I think it's time for another doco on our suburb, or maybe the drive-in, no more on the kids, wait I have not shot at the beach for a while, hold on...................................................

Posted by John Clancy (Member # 49) on August 09, 2006, 10:17 AM:
I shot 4 reels of Kodachrome at a TR weekend on 2nd July. That leaves 4 reels to shoot before the deadline. I was thinking about doing a day in the life of London but just don't seem to get the time.
Posted by Knut Nordahl (Member # 518) on August 11, 2006, 01:55 AM:
I have ordered some E64t and 100d from Wittner and am waiting for that. Meanwhile I have shot one expired Agfa (1990) and shipped it of to Frank's place in the Netherlands for developing. If it turns out ok I'll shoot two more of them and definitely use my Nautica for some cool underwater shoots.
Posted by Heinrich Kronschlaeger (Member # 145) on August 11, 2006, 02:52 AM:
Some days later I will travel to Korsika with 18 Kodachrome 40. I will use my Nikon R-10 and the Nautica. [Smile]
Posted by Knut Nordahl (Member # 518) on August 11, 2006, 05:00 AM:
Some days later I will travel to Korsika with 18 Kodachrome 40. I will use my Nikon R-10 and the Nautica.

Wow! 18 ! you have a lot of shooting to do before mid-september.
I find the images from the Nautica (and also the mini 3) to be great, and some underwater shoots from there would be great to see. Please post some when you get back.
Posted by Mike Peckham (Member # 16) on August 14, 2006, 03:13 AM:
Hi Nick

I find myself with a whole batch of Kodachrome cartridges which I shall struggle to use before the last date for processing so have come up with the idea of filming street scenes in my home town. They might not be very interesting at the moment but with the fantastic archival qualities of Kodachrome they will hopefully provide an interesting record in years to come if how the town used to look used to look!

Looking forward to trying out the new E64T at some point soon, where are you UK guys getting yours? I see the Widescreen Center have a processed paid deal on offer, does that work out competitively?

Mike [Cool]
Posted by Hans van der Sloot (Member # 494) on August 15, 2006, 07:56 AM:
I thought I had a few charts left, but I happen to have loads of K40 left. 15 (!!!) are still new (7-2005)and about 15 are various older dates.
I also have about 15 K40 sound charts left.
Of course I will shoot as much as possible (especially the sound films are great when I film my kids), but if someone wants any (sound or silent), please send me a PM.

Posted by Sam James (Member # 477) on August 15, 2006, 11:58 AM:
As far as I can tell (via the deadline for pre-paid developing of K40 by Kodak in Switzerland is at the end of Sept. However, Dwayne's in the States will continue to process for as long as kodachrome of any gauge is produced. To all you fellow Europeans out there, yes, you'll have to pay for processing, but why race to "use up" the last of such great looking stock?
Posted by Mark Mander (Member # 340) on August 15, 2006, 04:33 PM:
Just filmed a wedding using Kodachrome 40 at the weekend,{which was great fun with the younger members asking to view the footage}Have got my last 4 to use on holiday in a weeks time which i'm quite sad about in some ways,still when i get them back you can't beat watching that masterpiece you created on the big screen...Mark
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on August 15, 2006, 05:37 PM:
Ah, Yes!.

Timelapsed a sunset using K40 on a weekend away two weeks ago. My friend's 13 year old was fascinated. He asked if I had to put a "tape" in the camera, and I said it was on film. He got a glazed look in his eyes (happens a lot with this kid...), so I said "You, know!!: many, many tiny pictures, one after the other with sprocket holes next to them!" and he said "Ohhhhhh!!" as if he'd heard "Each unit of matter can be converted to an equivalent quantity of energy a magnitude of the speed of light squared as large".

When I came inside with the camera and tripod he asked hopefully "Did it come out?"...
Posted by Joerg Polzfusz (Member # 602) on August 16, 2006, 04:50 AM:

I'm waiting for 6 carts of K40 to return from Kodak. (It has been my first attempt to shoot in Cinemascope and the Kowa got dis-aligned just from staring at it. ... I've got a single K40-cart to re-shoot any scene that didn't worked out... .)
This evening I'll shoot a cart of Cinevia to test my Fujica P2 / P2 Zoom... ooopppsss... you've only been asking about Super8... [Wink]

Posted by Marc Marti (Member # 404) on August 16, 2006, 09:19 AM:

I use a technique very similar to yours. I like to record some location sound and narration with a minidisc recorder, to end up mixing it all in post. I love to edit the film physically and get it soundstripped in Stereo. The sound is mixed on the computer, but then recorded on the magnetic soundtrack of the film(I use one of devices). Beautiful results.

This summer I'm shooting some kind of documentary about the life of my friends with E64T and a Leicina Special. An Eumig 881 for long-time exposures. The basic idea is to interview them (only in audio) and with that info shoot some creative footage about their lives and their current projects.

About the scope issue, do you have any recomendations for a newbie like me? Type of lens, model of camera, tips,... any help will be appreciated.


Posted by Sam James (Member # 477) on August 16, 2006, 02:48 PM:

Who does your sound stripping?

Posted by Marc Marti (Member # 404) on August 16, 2006, 08:34 PM:
Sam, I send the films for stripping to Andec in Germany. They always do a really fine job and the prices are OK. Take a look:

Good luck!

Posted by Joerg Polzfusz (Member # 602) on August 21, 2006, 06:33 AM:
*shriek* Kodak has changed the way they're returning the processed K40! For the last ...hmmm... 10(?) years I've been sending my exposed carts to Kodak Stuttgart (Germany) and got them back processed from Kodak Switzerland - with custom-declarations on the envelopes, ... . Now my films came back in a large envelope from Kodak Stuttgart - this first made me cry since I feared that the films haven't been processed at all... but they've been processed and I'm eager to watch them the next days...

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