posted October 22, 2012 06:16 AM
Hi all, I've had a Xenon GS1200 for about eight years now and it has not been used for the past three. Consequently I've decided to sell it on. Today I removed it's cover, dusted it off with an air blower, turned on the power and "pop". Turned mains off and delicately removed the back cover only to be met with the distinct smell of burning. I don't wish to further damage the machine nor electrocute myself. I live in West Wales so the convenience of getting an expert to take a look at it is pretty limited. Any ideas on who might be able to fix/service it for me and what that might cost? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as it's a lovely machine and has provided my friends, family and customers of the restaurant I used to own, with some great evenings of entertainment. Thanks in advance Sam
Posts: 1006
From: West Midlands United Kingdom
Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 22, 2012 08:54 AM
Hi sam , sorry to here of your misfortune with the gs, if you get some picture's of inside the machine i'm sure someone here on the forum can help you.The one one guy i would recommend for any elmo repairs is bill parson but you would have to send him the machine.From what you have said you have popped a fuse on the board at the back or you have blown a capacitor on the power supply board.If the machine is stored for some time with out use in a warm enviroment the capacitor's can dry out and when you switch on they can blow because no insulator is present within the unit.Get some picture's up here sam and let the forum members advise on the best cause of action.
posted October 22, 2012 01:49 PM
Paul, Thanks for your prompt response. All four of the fuses on the back board appear to be intact but the fuse above (enclosed above the board and accessible via the black "phillips" head cover) has clearly burnt out. When I turned the power on, the motor appeared to come to life as normal but after just a couple of seconds there were two pops or cracks, followed as I said by an unmistakable smell of electric component burning. Is it possible to contact Bill Parson through the forum or does anyone have an email address to forward? All help gratefully accepted! Regards Sam
Posts: 1006
From: West Midlands United Kingdom
Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 22, 2012 02:52 PM
Hi Sam , to take that mains fuse out it means there is a direct short to earth via a live !!!!! . Here's bills number 01797 344764 after 7.30pm . This could more serious than i first stated with my first reply, certainly don't try and plug it in to the mains again sam !!!!!!. Bill is very helpful and very good with these elmo's he will advise on whats best to do.Obvously parts for these now are at a premium and especially this model because this has the xenon light power supply .All the very best with this and i hope you get it sorted ,please keep us updated.