posted February 07, 2013 06:37 AM
No, Jan, DO bother with it - Those little-boxed Headliners are becoming more rare,a nd are often used as a teaser before films
Posts: 979
From: Manassas, VA. USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted February 07, 2013 06:54 AM
Well, at least the descriptor, "Headline edition" was accurate...which is more than you can say for Castle using the words , "Complete edition"...on the nine minute, 150 foot versions. I had one non film person who was selling films on Ebay who believed the Castle "completes" were the full features and was advertising them that way. He had no idea what he was selling.
posted February 07, 2013 08:14 AM
Well, CASTLE used the term "Headline Edition" on the 50' issues - The "Complete Edition", was as complete as it was going to get in a silent format to acomodate the then-400' reel capacity on some projectors - I know, I've seen many who are auctioning what they think is the whole (rare) film - We can educate the untutored mob, then they be savvy, but eventually where will OUR jobs be...