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Posted by Joe Caruso (Member # 11) on May 04, 2014, 04:25 PM:
With the addition of some new collectors, now life friends, we all enjoyed a laughing and informative time - My gratitude to Doug Meltzer & Lou Franchetti for arranging and coordinating the events and needs to make for continued great shows - On behalf of John Black and myself, you do it all grandly - Our dear friend, Claus Harding for picturing everything tastefully, and of course, to the greatest assortment of collectors wheeling and dealing amid the happy sounds of whirring projectors and shop-talk - Thank you all - Lookiong forward to the next - God Bless from Shorty
Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on May 04, 2014, 04:41 PM:
Nice to hear that you had good time (as we expected from the pictures and the video of preceeding editions). You're lucky to have this event. I hope to see pictures soon.
Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on May 04, 2014, 04:56 PM:
Sounds good. Looking forward to the photos.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on May 04, 2014, 06:30 PM:
And video [Big Grin]
Posted by Gary Crawford (Member # 67) on May 05, 2014, 10:09 AM:
It was a lovely weekend.... collectors and friends getting together to "collectively" enjoy our hobby. We had people there this time from Iceland and from Ohio. I have never understood why the many hobbyists who live within a couple of hours of our Cinesea meeting don't come and enjoy it with us. Oh well, their loss. Next meeting will be mid October.
Posted by Joe Vannicola (Member # 4156) on May 05, 2014, 05:59 PM:
I just posted a video on YouTube if anyone wants to get an idea what Cinesea is all about. Please pardon some of the video's imperfections, but I'm still trying valiantly to master the intricacies of my still/ video camera. It's called Cinesea Video and Pix.001
Posted by David Baker (Member # 3259) on May 05, 2014, 06:17 PM:
What a GREAT time I had visiting my fellow film buffs this past week-end ! I feel EVERYTHING was WELL WORTH the effort put forth to drive 1200 miles and experience this cool bonding and FUN !!
Saturday's dinner meeting was classic and what GREAT film showings afterward ! I feel also I have many more friends and would continue to support this forum . What a privilege to see all the different interests and very cool films , in all formats ( 16MM , Super 8 & 8 ).
Thanks , guys .
See you next time , I hope !!
Posted by Paul Adsett (Member # 25) on May 05, 2014, 09:17 PM:
Is Claus going to post his usual picture report?
Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on May 06, 2014, 12:21 AM:
Thank you for the video, Joe. Aways nice too see projectors un use and piles of films ! It seems from your comment on youtube and what we see in your video that 16 mm was the most present gauge this year. Hope to see pictures soon.
Posted by James N. Savage 3 (Member # 83) on May 06, 2014, 08:43 AM:
Thanks for posting the video Joe! I wanted so badly to go but I guess it wasn't meant to be [Frown] . I always have a wonderful time and I love that unique area sooo much too, its just an extra perk [Smile] .

I am hoping there is one in October again and as soon as a date is confirmed and posted I will start making plans.

I'd like to say "Nothing will stop me!", but I'd just be ASKING for trouble [Wink] .

Posted by Claus Harding (Member # 702) on May 06, 2014, 09:26 AM:
Pictures are coming, and, a bit later, some video as well.
I have to work a bit on the pictures and then get them downsized to fit the forum requirements, so be patient [Smile] They'll be there.

Posted by Michael O'Regan (Member # 938) on May 06, 2014, 12:29 PM:
Does anyone have a link to Joe Vannicola's video, please?
Posted by Mal Brake (Member # 14) on May 06, 2014, 12:45 PM:
Hi Mike, try this link
Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on May 06, 2014, 12:46 PM:
Posted by Louis Franchetti (Member # 2035) on May 06, 2014, 02:39 PM:
Hey i do have the date to the next Cinesea it is
October 18th & 19th, Saturday and Sunday, Lets try to make it if you never have yet you will have a great time
Posted by Joe Caruso (Member # 11) on May 06, 2014, 03:00 PM:
Shorty agrees
Posted by Joe Taffis (Member # 4) on May 06, 2014, 03:04 PM:
Well, looks like I won't be at the Fall edition either! [Frown] The 18th of October is already booked for me. I'll be vending at an unrelated trade show in Hamburg, Pa. that day....
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on May 06, 2014, 10:26 PM:
This was one for the books: a nice selection of films for sale, a great film show and a good crowd too!

My wife has been recuperating from back surgery since February. I thought she deserved a change of scenery so I invited her to come with my son and me.

How good was the weekend? My un-film wife had a great time and actually came home with a reel or two of her own!
Posted by Louis Franchetti (Member # 2035) on May 07, 2014, 03:39 AM:
Glad you had a good time Steve Hopefully see you again in October
Posted by Lee Mannering (Member # 728) on May 07, 2014, 03:55 AM:
Wonderful effort folks and I loved the Popeye and spotting the Eumigs!
Well done.
Posted by Douglas Meltzer (Member # 28) on May 07, 2014, 09:52 AM:
It was such a fun weekend! I had a remarkable time. Thanks to the CineSea Cinéastes (Film Family? Sprocket Squad?) for coming out and making this 9th gathering so memorable.

Special thanks to long distance travelers Paul Oscar from Reykjavík (2nd visit) and Dave Baker, who drove 12 hours from Ohio!
First timer Ernie Zahn made the trip from Connecticut with his girlfriend Yasin, and had his Elmo ST 1200HD wow & flutter problem solved by John Capazzo.

I couldn't keep track of the number of films being screened all over the room. If one was just going by the audio mix, people were watching Abbott & Costello meet Godzilla and Debra Paget, while Daffy Duck was getting legal advice from Perry Mason and Elvis.

After a very enjoyable dinner, the evening screening started off with a fun Bugs Bunny and friends promo on Super 8mm welcoming us all to this Warner Brothers Cinema.



The new CHC release of Partly Cloudy looked terrific.


The Piccolo digest of Young Frankenstein (English soundtrack) was next, with the Blind Hermit sequence getting the biggest laughs.


Keeping with the Frankenstein theme, the new Reel Image release Magoo Meets Frankenstein was very well received. The colors on this polyester print are gorgeous.



Gary Crawford showed us the fascinating opening scene from the 1947 RKO production Riffraff. There is no dialog for the first six minutes, however the visuals create a strong noir atmosphere, very moody and effective. I had never heard of this film, so thanks to Gary for his 16mm presentation.

Steve Klare brought Super 8 footage he and his son filmed at a previous CineSea. It was nicely shot and the 100D colors really popped. Steve also showed his print of the classic What's Opera, Doc?.

Back on the 16mm front, Gary Sloan showed the Joe McDoakes' short So You Want to Be a Salesman, a very funny entry in the Man Behind the Eight Ball theatrical series.

Ernie Zahn contributed his scope Inception trailer, with a great stereo soundtrack. That was followed by a nice looking print of the Mission Galactica trailer (German audio), highlighting the release in Sensurround! If anyone has an English version of this trailer, please let me know.

Joe Vannicola's homemade 16mm cutdown of Godzilla vs. The Cosmic Monster then hit the screen. The best part is that Joe cut out all the annoying non-monster sections!

How to follow Godzilla? With Laurel & Hardy, of course. The Walton 200 footer L&H's Musical Moments is always a crowd pleaser.

A few more shorts and we finished up with the Cineavision scope print of Jaws 2.

This would be a good spot to thank the staff at the Ocean Holiday. They are so helpful and accommodating to us. How many places would let a group of film fanatics keep screening till 1 AM?

The next CineSea Film Collectors Weekend will take place on October 18th & 19th. This will be the 10th show and we hope to do something special to commemorate reaching that number. We've discussed adding an additional day among other things, so please try to join us!

Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on May 07, 2014, 12:17 PM:
Waw. What can you say when you read Dougs review and the comments of those who were lucky enough to attend the event ? Just that you regret you were not there :-(
Posted by John Capazzo (Member # 157) on May 08, 2014, 05:08 PM:
Dominique: we'd love to have you this October!
Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on May 08, 2014, 05:18 PM:
Thanks, John. of course, I wish also that it would be possible.
Posted by Patrick Walsh (Member # 637) on May 08, 2014, 06:02 PM:
Tempted to come up for the Oct weekend!
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on May 08, 2014, 07:23 PM:
Sounds like it was a great weekend with a nice line up of films and good company to enjoy it. [Smile]
Posted by Steve Klare (Member # 12) on May 08, 2014, 08:36 PM:
Is it really worth traveling all the way from New Zealand?

-throw in a visit to the the Smithsonian and maybe a Broadway show and it most certainly is! [Smile]
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on May 08, 2014, 10:05 PM:
Sorry I had to miss it. I am working on 2 feature films. I have a principal role in both so I couldn't miss the shoot. We had to shoot a scene that w/e. Hopefully will make it in the fall.


I'm the one in the middle. I am playing a police chief. The film will be out this fall.
Posted by Graham Ritchie (Member # 559) on May 09, 2014, 04:33 AM:

It would be great to visit the sights of New York, including the "Museum of the Moving Image" but unless I come into lots of money "Google Street Views" will be about as close I will get [Smile]

Posted by Dominique De Bast (Member # 3798) on May 09, 2014, 08:35 AM:
Pasquale, please, let us know when your two films will be released.
Posted by Pasquale DAlessio (Member # 2052) on May 09, 2014, 01:47 PM:
I will Dom!
Posted by Joe Caruso (Member # 11) on May 09, 2014, 04:01 PM:
and let me know if you can help me (been in this business for years with no success)

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