posted April 28, 2015 04:30 PM
Ciro wrap around types, also look for guillotine somtimes they can be found under just Cir. kodak presstape is the worst.
Posts: 7477
From: Manchester Uk
Registered: Aug 2012
posted April 28, 2015 04:35 PM
Daniel the Agfa F8s is brilliant in use I find. Fully automated,cuts the film while folding the splice tape on both sides in one move all in the machine itself. Splice tapes for these are still readily available and once pressed by a roller by hand after splicing, forms a very reliable and precise splice while travelling through the gate.
If you want a splicer that doesn't rely on pre- perforated tapes then go for a CIR deluxe splicer. Excellent well made splicer but more manual than the one suggested above. Also very expensive to buy the splicer initially but the rolls of tape are cheap thereafter.
-------------------- "C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"