posted February 07, 2019 05:17 PM
I've been buying incorrectly-sized reels for my Kodak Brownie projector, and have ended up with 2 extra. I'll either sell these for what I paid, or trade one of them for a Brownie Kodak 8mm take-up reel. Thanks!
Vintage 7" Kodak 884 plastic movie/film projector take-up reel: (I paid $13, and it'd be nice to get $13 for this.)
I can't find the order details on this one, but I think I paid $8 for it.
posted February 07, 2019 06:42 PM
Is your projector a Brownie 500? If so you need a 200’ reel not 400’ and it is for regular or standard 8mm not super 8. The metal reel you have there is super 8. You could use that one but you need an adapter to insert in the center hole so it will fit on your projectors take up spindle.
posted February 25, 2019 12:15 PM
Thanks! Yeah, I kept trying to ask if the reel I was buying would work for that type of projector, but the sellers both said, "yeah, it'll totally fit," but I don't think they knew what they were talking about.
Didn't know about the 200' instead of 400' - that's super helpful!