Topic: Question for John Whittle re Eiki EX-5500 Change-Over Modification
Robert Bates
Junior Posts: 4
From: Westerville, Ohio U.S.A.
Registered: Feb 2005
posted March 28, 2006 05:42 PM
John, and anyone else who can answer this one...
I've got a pair of Eiki EX-5500 machines; one's modified for cable-operated change-overs and one isn't. I'm looking to somehow get the second one modified. Who can help me? Where could I get the modification parts kit, or parts list, schematic, wiring diagram, etc?
Also, anyone out there with an EX-5500 parts machine they want to sell? Also looking for a pair of vinyl covers for these machines.
posted March 29, 2006 04:05 AM
I had a projector, different make, and a seperate loudspeaker, these had cloth covers, a sort of denim. I think someone must have had a local seamtress make them.
Posts: 791
From: Northridge, CA USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 31, 2006 11:56 AM
Never seem a cable operated change over system. Could it be a theatrical (35mm) system like the Zipper?
The Eiki change over has a solenoid mounted on the cam tank (there are two hole already there for mounting it) and uses the douser that's part of the still picture clutch assembly.
The modification includes a couple of relays and a din connector to connect two projectors together and a push button on the back of the projector for the change-over.
I don't think there are any parts or schematics. I talked to Tim Plew about this once and he told me that Bob had actually cobbled the first one together for rush order and then they took his notes and made up the few "kits" they used to install on new orders. Aside from the fact that it did appear in the price list, no one at Eiki could ever answer any questions about it after Tim left.
But it sounds like the change over you have is a "custom" job and if you like it, just make a copy for the second machine.