Posts: 1236
From: Dunstable ,Bedfordshire.
Registered: Jan 2005
posted March 07, 2007 05:46 PM
Hi everyone,does anyone knowabout worm gears on these machines?I have a T Q II 1655 model and the worm gear has cracked,so are they as bad to repair as people say?I have looked at it and it seems a bit more complicated than my Elf models.I'm not sure about the other functions of the machine as it's not running due to the worm.Can you recommend any u.k Bell and Howell parts suppliers thanks in advance Mark
Brad Kimball
Phenomenal Film Handler Posts: 1171
From: Highland Mills, NY USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 08, 2007 01:05 AM
Hi Mark, I have had many experts tell me that it's a complete tear-down of the machine (several loborious hours) to replace a worm gear. In addition, there's a gear in the lower end of the unit that you cannot see - when this other gear goes - the unit is KAPUT! Apparently, it's this other elusive gear that is not replaceable. There are many people out there that refurb projectors here in the states and sell them at very fair prices. I've been told that sometimes it's better to just keep these things for parts and invest in another unit.
Posts: 156
From: Old Coulsdon. Surrey. UK
Registered: Oct 2006
posted March 08, 2007 04:08 AM
About ten years ago I also had a B & H worm gear split, and a repairer quoted me £25.00 for a replacement gear, with £75.00 labour costs. Heaven knows how much they charge today. Is it worth spending this amount of money on an old projector? Only you can answer that question.
I decided against it, and brought an Elf from a local school for £20.00. Only needed new belts. Had no trouble with it at all, and sold it last year still in good working order.
If you still want to use B & H projectors then do as Brad suggests above. Keep it for spares, and buy another machine.
Posts: 1236
From: Dunstable ,Bedfordshire.
Registered: Jan 2005
posted March 08, 2007 08:51 AM
Thanks for that,exactly the answer i thought i was getting but didn't want to hear HA HA !.I would like to have a go at replacing the worm gear myself so can you still get them and where from?any ideas thanks Mark
Posts: 156
From: Old Coulsdon. Surrey. UK
Registered: Oct 2006
posted March 08, 2007 04:29 PM
To change the gear yourself you might be able to obtain one from I believe that you will also require the aligning tool, but am not certain of this.
Personally I would phone up all the camera repair people who advertise in Yellow Pages. Some of them must repair 16mm machines.
Posts: 1085
From: Doncaster, UK
Registered: Jun 2004
posted March 09, 2007 01:09 PM
Wierd! My earlier post on this subject has now gone! Anyway, any B & H projector is repairable (despite previous thread messages) but the TQII was the worst of B & H's range (even admitted by them!). B & H projectors are also the best; kinder and more robust that Elf or any other make.
MARK: I have found a box of spares for the TQII...which spares do you need? This box is the product of stripping down an old machine.
Posts: 1236
From: Dunstable ,Bedfordshire.
Registered: Jan 2005
posted March 09, 2007 03:37 PM
Hi Simon,the worm gear is the main part at the moment,as haven't had the projector (due to the worm)i don't know what else is needed.The rubber belt could do with replacing but other than this i'm not sure.If i get the worm gear and need anything else i will get in contact,thanks for your replies Mark