I have a Bauer P6 which worked very well! Since yesterday the sound is very very bad like raucous and scratched . I very checked on the level of the reader optical and magnetic and all is correct! Do you think that can come from a transistor or a condenser?
Posts: 791
From: Northridge, CA USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 25, 2007 09:16 AM
Does it make the noise when the amp is on and the projector isn't running? Does it only make it when it's running? Does it make the sound if you move a control (volume or tone)?
Each might indicate a different problem. For example if the noise is present when the amp is on and the projector isn't running, it might be a filter condensor in the power supply. If it only makes it when running, it could be motor noise and the associated filter. If it make it when you move a control, it could be a bad control resistance pad which might go away with rapid movement of the control over several seconds to wipe the dirt off or spraying with a contact cleaner.
A few more symptoms might help pinpoint an area to look at.
posted June 25, 2007 11:10 AM
John thanks, Not it is not that! When the projector functions with a sound film, one hears the sound but not clearly! The sound is very very saturated and incomprehensible!
posted June 25, 2007 12:03 PM
Antoine: Excessive light output on the exciter lamp? I suppose you tried the basics (ie - change the bulb and clean the lens assay)... How do the magnetic tracks sound? If the level seems normal it could be also the speaker. I had a somehow similar problem on an Elmo that was simply fixed by replacing the built-in speaker.
Because the same phenomenon occurs with the sound magnétique!I tested a high external speaker,:similar! While passing by an external amplifier: similar! I have the impression that it is a question of impedance! But as I do not know electronics, I can only say!