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Posted by Maurice Leakey (Member # 916) on January 03, 2008, 11:45 AM:
I have a 16mm Siemens 2000 sound projector which has a rheostat speed control. However, the projector just runs at a tremendous speed which cannot be slowed for sound projection.
I believe the problem could be associated with the suppression capacitor which is strapped across the motor.
Can anyone please help me with any information on what I should do next.
Posted by John Whittle (Member # 22) on January 07, 2008, 05:34 PM:
The cap is there to suppress the arcing from the brushes on the motor, not speed. Sounds like a governor control problem which is probably stuck. I'm not fammiliar with this machine, but look for something that's on the motor shaft with springs and contacts. That's one version of speed control often used. Could be gunky old grease or maybe something with the contacts stuck, but it's not the cap.
Posted by Josef Grassmann (Member # 378) on January 21, 2008, 04:41 AM:
on the right side of motor you see a steel disk. There are 3 leaf springs fixed to it. On each leaf spring a ball weight ist revited to it. Look first, whether all 3 ball weights are still in place.
If yes, resolder one end of MP-condensor (2uF), direct underneath the top chain, hold the wire-wounded resitor on top soldered to the connecting wire. Take great care not to shorten the cicuit, e.g. wire wound resitor and solder spots must not touch the chain! Donīt forget to replace brown plastic chain guide after job has done.
If you can now control the speed, the 2uF condensor has to be replaced. (Don`t be worry for the short test run, there will be strong sparking between the contacts)
Good luck
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