posted February 04, 2008 12:55 PM
The 'small brothers' to the Schneider 35mm commercial line.
Well, all I can say is: they better be (well) used before I will step up and consider them, but I can only imagine how they perform (there's a 70mm focal length available as well):
And here I thought the 'regular' stuff was expensive enough
Best, Claus.
-------------------- "Why are there shots of deserts in a scene that's supposed to take place in Belgium during the winter?" (Review of 'Battle of the Bulge'.)
posted February 05, 2008 03:57 AM
The size is... incredible. I have a 12.5 on the Elmo. These lenses are mostly used in back projection.
I use both Schneiders and Iscos on my 35mm projector and they trully are the best. Isco also made a zoom lens for the 16mm world but they ask 1500 euros for it. You can grab it sometimes second-hand on Ebay for much cheaper.
posted February 05, 2008 06:04 AM
Maurice: no, I've decided not to venture into this gauge after all. Almost did, a few years ago, when I was offered an Heutier Troika projector (8/9.5/16) and a 9.5 print of Godzilla but the sale never went through. So Super 8 will always be the cherished format for short subjects and digests. 16mm is for bargain films and oddities. 35mm is for the real (reel?) keepers.