posted February 22, 2008 11:33 AM
ICECO of Miami, which goes on ebay as Kinneman,may not always be the cheapest, but they are extremely reputable. Email Dara Rausch, who handles the ebay stuff and 16mm in general. She will be responsive. Several ebay sellers are dumping those ex-military projectors, and I would recommend dealing with this seller as the machines are essentially rebuilt. The only negative is that they remove the highly desirable ISCO zoom lenses and sell those separately. Still, if you add the cost of the machine and the lens you're still no worse off than one of the other sellers if you get stuck with a bad worm gear.
posted February 22, 2008 12:32 PM
I can also vouch for them as some of my 35mm equipment was purchased through Kinemaman. They always answer emails. I'm very happy with their services.
Posts: 250
From: Battle Creek, MI. USA
Registered: Apr 2004
posted March 13, 2008 01:39 PM
Ironically the link above is for one of my auction's with ICECO. I ended up buying five brand new Bell & Howell 2585 AML's. I also bought brand new Isco zoom lenses for all five units. I highly recommend Dara at ICECO to work with. Super nice person and very kind. If you do contact her tell her I referred you to her. The best!!!