posted March 08, 2008 05:58 AM
Hi, I´m just a little curious about what the average price for a full 16mm feature film is?
I´m thinking about getting a projector, and would like some tips about places to get one (websites, I live in Norway . What model, how much is normal price, etc.
posted March 08, 2008 08:10 AM
Hi Jon, In the wonderful 16mm universe there is nothing remotely resembling an average price for a 16mm feature. Take a look on American Ebay ( where there are a lot more 16mm features for sale than on the european sites. Just put 16MM MOVIE in search there. This will give you an idea as to the wide spectrum of whats available and just how much prices vary. As for projectors, my own preference is for Eiki / Elf machines which are readily available on ebay for round about £100 or so. Others will have a preference for other models, so, have a look around. I would try for a manual threading model over an autothreader if I were you, but, again thats just my preference. Next best - slotloaders. Good luck, Mike
posted March 08, 2008 12:20 PM
Thanks so much for answers guys! I´m a little surprised about how "cheap" some of them are, I thought they would cost alot more.
Michael: do you have some models you recommend? I´m guessing Eiki/Elf have made several types... Maybe you have a website I can read more about 16mm and things releated, I´m curious about manual threading, slotloaders, etc
posted March 08, 2008 12:37 PM
Personally I prefer the manual loading EIKI RM-1.
Best way to find out all the answers you need is to ask questions here on the forum. Also, heres a useful site for some basics in 16mm collecting:
[ March 08, 2008, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Michael O'Regan ]
posted March 09, 2008 06:00 AM
Thanks for the offer Kevin, but I´ll have to say no at the time being. I´ll need to give it a few thoughts before I make up my mind.