Topic: Where Is Jan Bister?
Paul Adsett
Film God
Posts: 5003
From: USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted November 30, 2006 08:27 PM
Me Too! To paraphrase a famous western: " Jan, come back! Mama wan'ts you, I know she does, and Papa too, I heard him say so! Jan, COME BACK...." Fade out, as Jan rides into the hills. A Paramount Picture
-------------------- The best of all worlds- 8mm, super 8mm, 9.5mm, and HD Digital Projection, Elmo GS1200 f1.0 2-blade Eumig S938 Stereo f1.0 Ektar Panasonic PT-AE4000U digital pj
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Jan Bister
Darth 8mm

Posts: 2629
From: Ohio, USA
Registered: Jan 2005
posted December 26, 2006 10:33 PM
Wow.... *laughs* You guys! Oh, this is fantastic, reading all the kind words and emotional outpourings... mixed with that twisted humor I love so much about this forum.
Anyway - SURPRISE! I am alive... and that crazy, mad holiday season at my job is finally finally over. It's been really hard, not just work itself but also me being restless a lot and having a hard time sleeping which meant I was always tired during the day and couldn't even think straight after coming at home at night to even just come here and post a quick 'hello' ... I'll even admit that I also have a new addiction since late October, which is called Second Life ... for those who haven't heard of it, it's a massive online virtual 3D world where you can create an avatar that lives in this world and does all kinds of things... meet other avatars, work, earn virtual money, rent or buy a place to live or build your own house, socialize and have a nightlife, even go dancing... or open a business and create things and sell them. Amazing stuff. So I've been playing that a lot...
Of course the big question y'all are asking yourselves now is: Has Jan Bister abandoned super-8? No! But sadly I just can't invest the time (nor money) into it anymore that I have before... but by the end of this week when the long New Year's Eve weekend is upon us, I know I'll be firing up my ST-1600HD and watching Things To Come, which I've only been wanting to see ever since I bought it. LOL
But I do think of the lot of you - in fact, hope everyone's had a great Christmas (I did) and while it's not too late, I wish everyone the best for a happy New Year. BTW, I did get the latest issues each of Super 8 Today and smallformat, and I swear they just get better each time! So much fun to read - I read with great interest the article about Derann's Disney deal which included a photo of Kevin F and reviews of 3 of his Disney favorites... I cannot deny a certain pride in being a member of the 8mm forum and having conversed with you "in person" Kevin Great article... like just about all the others in both magazines. So, yes, my love for film is alive and well... it's just been on the back burner these past couple months.
Well, I could say so much more, but this just for starters... thanks again for the nice words everybody and I promise I'll be more active around here again soon... starting next year. *grin* And on the weekend I'll make time to browse everything that's been posted since October and catch up on replies...
Dan: I really enjoyed the surprise phone call, it was cool talking to you!
Chip: My apologies for not replying to your email, and THANK YOU for the Christmas present. Very nicely done, I love it (Must admit I have yet to watch the VCD, though!) One of these days we'll catch up again in online chat - hope everything's well with you!
*bows and makes a graceful exit amid applause*
-------------------- Call me Phoenix. *dusts off the ashes*
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Jan Bister
Darth 8mm

Posts: 2629
From: Ohio, USA
Registered: Jan 2005
posted January 11, 2007 09:46 PM
Ohdear, ohdear! I got around to it Kevin! But it took your making an overseas call to my answering machine first - shame on me!
Anyway, my next mad project? Well, for those who've paid attention to my mention of Second Life, I do have in mind building virtual replicas of my Elmo projector(s) and some other cinematic equipment in the game... and as Second Life allows you to watch Quicktime movies rendered in-game (on virtual TV/movie screens, no less), I can well see myself creating an entire virtual screening room, then linking Quicktime trailers (or such) of classic films and cartoons to it... Crazy, huh? ![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
-------------------- Call me Phoenix. *dusts off the ashes*
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