This is topic 35 mm cinemascope trailer in Germany in forum General Yak at 8mm Forum.
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Posted by Andreas Borutta (Member # 2311) on November 25, 2010, 06:45 AM:
Hello,as I have introduced myself in the 8 mm section, I am new here on this forum,but I am a movie fan all my live. But my question is about 35mm ,and so I will post it here.
During the fifties and sixties,when a film came new from the studios and it was in cinemascope or 70 mm, the trailer was again only in cs. No flat trailers were made from cs movies during this time. In the seventies some companys changed to flat,but most trailers were still made only in cs. From the beginning of the eighties,all companys changed to flat trailers.
Almost no cs trailers were released. Only a handful. In the late nineties the companies slouly come back with cs,one of the first were the 3 Star Wars re-release trailers in 1997.
In the time now most trailers are still in flat, but the companys add up to three cs trailers in front of their new feature.
My question to the forum is, did they made any cs trailers during the fifties up to the seventies in the USA ?
The few old trailers,I got from the USA are all in flat.
Maybe there are some trailer lovers here in this forum,then it is perhaps a interesting information, that there were only cs trailers from cs movies here in germany.
Many greetings from germany
Posted by Lars-Goran Ahlm (Member # 1908) on November 25, 2010, 09:07 AM:
I have two 35MM trailers from the 80's in cinemascope where the film was in 1.85: White Nights (1985) and Fatal Attraction (1987). And these are original US trailers, subtitled in Swedish. And as far as I recall they where not attached to a feature.
Posted by Larry Arpin (Member # 744) on November 26, 2010, 03:29 PM:
For early trailers it is just the opposite. Many trailers were released flat as there were more theaters with only flat lenses, setups. Then they started attaching trailers to features. A flat film attached to a scope feature would be converted. And vice versa.
Posted by Andreas Borutta (Member # 2311) on November 28, 2010, 11:56 AM:
Hello Lars goran
thank you for answering me. Nice ,that you have 2 cs trailers from the eighties. Even I have only less then 10 trailers in cs from this decade,but much more than 100 cs trailers from the seventies. Did they made many cs trailers during the seventies in Sweden?
Many greetings from germany
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