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Author Topic: Dan Haggerty 1941-2016 :(
Mathew James
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 - posted January 15, 2016 02:09 PM      Profile for Mathew James   Email Mathew James   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 



Matt 📽

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Andrew Woodcock
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 - posted January 15, 2016 02:22 PM      Profile for Andrew Woodcock         Edit/Delete Post 
Oh no Osi will be devastated!

"C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"

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Steve Klare
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 - posted January 15, 2016 02:45 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
That's sad,

He's a guy I've always associated with youth and vitality, but one thing in life that's most certain is time catches up with us all.

He got his big break in "When The North Wind Blows", which is kind of a Super-8 classic because if you want to see this movie in the lands of Region 1 DVD you'd better find a Walton or Viacom print, there is no video available and never was. It's one of my personal favorites: it always shows at our house during the week after Christmas, one or two reels per night. That and the week off make for a nice relaxing couple of days.

He showed up for work on "North Wind" as an animal trainer and they liked him so much he got a speaking part. He came very close to stealing the show and the next time they made a film, the show was his.

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Joe Caruso
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 - posted January 15, 2016 04:26 PM      Profile for Joe Caruso     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Now locating the film will be all the more a treasure to enjoy always - I sincerely hope that H&I, ANTENNA, ME, or DECADES Channel will sponsor copyright and run several if not all the shows - Think Don Swank as Nakoma may be the only one left around - Good luck, Osi - Shorty

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Osi Osgood
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 - posted January 16, 2016 01:31 PM      Profile for Osi Osgood   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I couldn't post about this yesterday, though I found out about it. I'll explain ...

I've always had a very bad habit of procrastination, and it majorly came back to bite me in the posterior.

About four months ago, there was a traveling "Heritage" show, which was a number of old TV stars showing up to sign autographs, you could meet them. One of them was Dan Haggerty.

What makes this even more painful now, is that they were having this thing only 30 miles away!!!

I saw all the posters around town, and I looked it up on the internet, found out the entry fee, and though we were fairly short of extra cash, I really could have come up with the cash, but I told myself, "I'll just wait for another time to meet him."

Now, I'll never be able to tell Dan just what his TV show and the original movie meant to me. I know, he doesn't/didn't know me from Adam, but it would have been wonderful to shake his hand and tell him what he meant to me as a child and how I envied what his character was able to do on that show, as I've always wanted to "chuck" civilization out the door, and just live in the mountains for life.

So, I had a very hard time of it yesterday (Friday), and I'm still majorly kicking myself in the arse for my stupidity. If a time ever comes up when I get a chance to meet an actor or some other person I have admired for life, I'm not going to pass up on it.

This may have been the only real thing Dan did that was remembered highly, but that TV show was the world to me.

RIP Dan, I know I'll miss you! [Frown] [Frown] [Frown] [Frown]

"All these moments will be lost in time, just like ... tears, in the rain. "

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