posted January 03, 2019 04:40 PM
Are there any audiophiles on here that know if there a way to convert existing audio files on my laptop to either AAC or MPEG file I have saved some vinyl records that I want to put on iTunes but iTunes converts them to a wav. file and it wont let me add artwork with a wav. files my other songs I've added years ago were AAC or MPEG audio files these files will allow one to add artwork. The WAV. files play fine just wont let one add artwork.
-------------------- jim schrader "Let's see 電o I have that title already?"
Posts: 87
From: Darlington, WA, Australia
Registered: Jul 2013
posted January 03, 2019 06:20 PM
If you are running iTunes on a Mac then there are options sort of tucked away (as only computer designers can do) that allow you save in iTunes to AAC and MPEG3. WAV is a Microsoft format so possibly you are running iTunes on a Win machine and it always likes to default to WAV. Audacity as Barry posted also lets you save files in various formats but I have no idea how one could save the artwork. I have been using Audacity to slowly put all our vinyl records onto a SSD external drive. Its slow and tedious editing the file so the tracks are separated rather than having the record as one long continuous file. Audacity being freeware has lots of very helpful tutorials on YouTube so might be worth a look at it. Been using Audacity for about 18 months and STILL discovering features I never knew existed. It is quite a stable program in either Windows or Mac machines.
posted January 03, 2019 07:13 PM
I should mention I have other files that I did years ago when I had windows XP and all those files are not wav. I will look into audacity Barry thanks
-------------------- jim schrader "Let's see 電o I have that title already?"
Mathew James
Jedi Master Film Handler Posts: 740
From: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Registered: Dec 2014
posted January 04, 2019 06:05 PM
...never a bother Jim!!!
The thing with itunes is... with the albums you have saved in wav from vinyl...are these vinyl albums ones in which itunes may have for sale in their database? If yes, then you may be able to add album artwork still, if you can match the titles to their db songnames. For example: - go to iTunes Store - search your desired track/album of the vinyl you are ripping - note the precise character-by-character spelling of the album/song/artist names in iTunes Store - match your track/album's info to the one in iTunes store - you can then right-click on your track and hit "Get Artwork" again
for example,If you had named an song/album "Nick Drake_pink moon", which was spelled in iTunes Store as "Nick Drake - Pink Moon". Changing the name enables iTunes to recognize the album. hth!
posted January 05, 2019 09:09 PM
Jim, Providing that your iTunes version is the same as mine, follow these steps. If your version is not the same, just noodle through the items in iTunes Preferences and the sequence is the similar to make your setting for importing sound files.
1. Launch iTunes.
2. Click on iTunes in your menu bar (it's next to the Apple logo.)
Scroll down to Preferences
3. Click on General
4. Click on Import settings
5. Click on Import Using Select your choice: AAC Encoder, MP3 Encoder, AIFF Encoder, Apple Lossless Encoder
-------------------- Isn't it great that we can all communicate about this great hobby that we love!
posted January 06, 2019 08:55 AM
Michael thanks for that info however that setting is for importing CD's I did try to set it to AAC but my file still is imported as a WAV. I used to have quicktime on my older pc but havent downloaded it on my newer laptop most of my older music was encoded with quicktime.
-------------------- jim schrader "Let's see 電o I have that title already?"
posted January 07, 2019 09:05 AM
After searching for hours on this there is a easy explanation on YouTube, not even apple techs could assist me when I called them on 2 different occasions. Michael痴 explanation was the closest he forgot to mention one had to go into and convert the chosen song to a mp3. Problem solved.
[ January 08, 2019, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: Jim Schrader ]
-------------------- jim schrader "Let's see 電o I have that title already?"
posted January 08, 2019 01:09 AM
Jim, I do this stuff all the time. When I convert, I don't use or suggest using WAV or the Mp3 code format.
Yep, the Apple Tech's may not know, that's why I provided different options using various APPs, with visual illustrations comparing the differing versions of iTunes / Garage Band, so everyone will benefit when contemplating how they are able to format sound files with this system.
quote: he forgot to mention one had to go into and convert the chosen song to a mp3
That's simple, clicking the sound file and it converts according to the code options that are selected.
Quicktime Pro has options to convert and export sound files to AIFF.
-------------------- Isn't it great that we can all communicate about this great hobby that we love!