Topic: What To Do With Negs?
John Whittle
Jedi Master Film Handler
Posts: 791
From: Northridge, CA USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 26, 2006 05:50 PM
quote: There's someone selling a lot of 16mm trailer negatives on eBay at the moment. I did wonder what it might cost to get one or two printed. Does anyone know if they are likely to have the optical track on them?
Normally in making release prints you have two rolls of film. One is the picture (action) negative and the other is the sound (track) negative. The two are contact printed normally on a Bell & Howell printer to a single piece of color positive or black and white positive film.
Commercial laboratories (like Fotokem, Duart, etc) will change for a first trial print at a very high price (often over $1.00 per foot for color) and then a lower rate for release prints (for non contract customers this might be in the range of 30 cents a foot).
Now days, color and black and white are priced the same and it's hard to find a lab to print black and white on real black and white print stock (7302).
The other problem in the US at least, is that any commerical lab will require you to sign a binding agreement that you own the copyright or are the legal copyright holder/licensee to make the print. This makes "walk in" customers a thing of the past.
There may still be some "basement" labs around (like the heydays of 16mm PD collection) but at least in LA with the current sewage restrictions, it's impossible to start up a laboratory now days.
So if you buy a negative, figure on printing it yourself and look for a nice Bell & Howell "J" for black and white or "C" for color. And then you'll need a processing machine, plumbing, mixing tanks, and the fun just keeps on coming.
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Joerg Polzfusz
Jedi Master Film Handler

Posts: 815
From: Berlin, Germany, Europe, Earth, Solar System
Registered: Apr 2006
posted June 14, 2006 06:21 AM
Here are Andec's prices:
WORK PRINT (one-light) -contact- without grading 1,00 EUR per meter includes density grading 1,40 EUR per meter
RELEASE PRINTS -contact- First print 2,10 EUR per meter Correction print 1,50 EUR per meter Release prints ( > 5 prints) -,85 EUR per meter Single print / repeat order 1,10 EUR per meter
WORK PRINT (one-light) -contact- without grading 1,20 EUR per meter includes grading 1,75 EUR per meter
RELEASE PRINTS -contact- First print 2,50 EUR per meter Correction print 1,75 EUR per meter Release prints ( > 5 prints ) 1,25 EUR per meter Single print / repeat order 1,50 EUR per meter
All Prices are without VAT. There might be some additional costs, too (shipping, working with negatives with less than 60m, ... )
Andec can also do 35mm- and Super8-prints from the 16mm-negatives.
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Joerg Polzfusz
Jedi Master Film Handler

Posts: 815
From: Berlin, Germany, Europe, Earth, Solar System
Registered: Apr 2006
posted June 15, 2006 03:17 AM
yes, Super8-/16mm-negatives look like 35mm-still-photography-negatives. But you'll notice that e.g. the Kodak Vision colour-negative stock will look more orange. (One of the effects that had to be "removed" by using some filters when doing the positive print). And yes, Andec can make a positive Super8-print from a Super8-negative-film, too - just take a look at their webpage. Andec is AFAIK the only company worldwide to offer this service just because there never was a machine to do this. Hence Andec had to convert a 16mm-machine to Super8. When it comes to handling 16mm- or 35mm-negative film, Andec isn't the only company.
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