Another (dumb???) question - has anyone heard of a rather stylish silent movie projector with the word Missouri in script on its base? Could post a pic if anyone thinks its worth it. It comes in an equally stylish blue and grey rexine-covered case. Looks like 1950s.
We are putting on a display of film projectors and don't know how to label this one!
Juergen Lossau's Movie Projector guide has but a single mention of Missouri. They were a US company, and the only model listed is the "20" a standard 8mm projector.
-------------------- I think there's room for just one more film.....
posted October 04, 2006 09:25 AM
If I understand the German notes correctly, the book also mentions that the 20 was "probably" manufactured by Cirse (Turino, Italy).
-------------------- I think there's room for just one more film.....
posted October 04, 2006 12:04 PM
Thanks Dan & Doug
Now I look carefully, it does say Cirse on the power plug (ONLY on the power plug!). It looks just like the Cirse 1957 sound projector that is illustrated on that site.