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Author Topic: Coming Soon: CineSea
Louis Franchetti
Expert Film Handler

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 - posted August 15, 2016 04:05 AM      Profile for Louis Franchetti   Author's Homepage   Email Louis Franchetti   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hey everyone hope you're having a good summer
hope to see you all at cinesea, just around the corner October 20th 21st and 22nd all new and old faces are welcome thank you

Louis Franchetti

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Guy Taylor, Jr.
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted August 15, 2016 08:43 AM      Profile for Guy Taylor, Jr.     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Just thinking about Uncle Bill's Pancakes makes me happy.

Guy Taylor

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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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 - posted August 15, 2016 09:44 AM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Guy, I'd say if you join us you will find things have gotten bigger and better!

-We're still working on huge and perfect, but we like the way things are progressing!

(Who wants "huge" anyway?! -and "perfect" wouldn't make for a very relaxing weekend either..."STOP! -You're eating the main course with your salad fork!")

-but you will like the Friday Night Feature for certain.

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Guy Taylor, Jr.
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted August 15, 2016 10:32 AM      Profile for Guy Taylor, Jr.     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I do like the Friday feature film screening idea. It doesn't need to be any bigger as long as it is able to, occasionally attract people from foreign lands like Iceland, Japan, and Texas.

Guy Taylor

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Steve Klare
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 - posted August 15, 2016 12:21 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I'd never want it to become so big it became unmanageable, unfriendly or became something other than what it was intended to be all along: a weekend of real film for people who appreciate it.

Still the same, there is that matching space in the hotel next door:


-just in case we want to dream a little! [Wink]

(-and find out what kind of car is under that tarp!)

Speaking as somebody who had basically nothing to do with starting it, CineSea has a certain genius to it. Here you have an event that started out with barely enough people to put on a decent baseball game, yet it all comes together and it just works. The venue works out because the hotel likes us and wants us there. The people who come are supportive because we enjoy ourselves and want it to continue for years.

There are a lot of great things to do in Wildwood, and a lot of great places to go out to eat. Even putting it in a city with an accessible single screen 35mm theater is a bonus I would think is too much to even hope for, but there it is.

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Guy Taylor, Jr.
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted August 15, 2016 02:03 PM      Profile for Guy Taylor, Jr.     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I had forgotten about that little cinema. It is my understanding that he will rent it out. I wish I could have been there that year when Dino made an appearance and projected some film. I think 9.5mm.

I am like you Steve; I enjoy the show just as it is. Same friendly faces and always one or two newbies.

Guy Taylor

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Steve Klare
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 - posted August 15, 2016 02:49 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Last October we went over there and saw Blazing Saddles in 35mm:

Scroll down towards the bottom.

It has to be one of the most unique cinematic experiences of my entire life! We were watching a movie in a real theater, but we were guests instead of "patrons". The booth door was open the whole time, and it was OK to drop in and visit. We knew the projectionist as well as the owner of the place.

-It was just a spur of the moment thing too: we were invited, so we went!

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Guy Taylor, Jr.
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted August 15, 2016 03:00 PM      Profile for Guy Taylor, Jr.     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Outstanding. I certainly hope to be there again this October.

Those of you living in North America, do yourselves a favor and come. Same for our friends across the pond.

Guy Taylor

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Joe Caruso
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 - posted August 15, 2016 03:26 PM      Profile for Joe Caruso     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
John Black and I had the idea after Cherry Hill went under - Just a simple place to enjoy everyone's company and show films - It works because we all care enough not to call it work, simply a happy time - Dino should join us again, the 9.5 prints were incredible - Segments I've never seen - Uncle Bill's a joy - Our dinners together, the ambiance, the endless shop-talk, laughter and learning experiences - Overseas, please come to CINESEA - Shorty

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Melvin England
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 - posted August 15, 2016 03:55 PM      Profile for Melvin England     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Joe / Guy - one day... one day...

"My name is for my friends!"

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Joe Caruso
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 - posted August 19, 2016 02:53 PM      Profile for Joe Caruso     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I'll have my usual reference materials (and some new items on maintaining 16mm projectors), many films - Also inserts, brochures and flyers - Some Blackhawk pictures (courtesy of Don Taylor), showing the office and display racks of films - Lots for sale-trade - My friends overseas and everywhere, please join us - Shorty

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Gary Crawford
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 - posted August 23, 2016 06:55 AM      Profile for Gary Crawford     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
My favorite weekends of the year...for many reasons.

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Joe Caruso
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 - posted August 24, 2016 10:10 AM      Profile for Joe Caruso     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Your one of them

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Guy Taylor, Jr.
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted August 26, 2016 04:46 PM      Profile for Guy Taylor, Jr.     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I don't know when the voting starts for the Friday night feature screening but I am voting for Doug Meltzer's copy of MASTER AND COMMANDER. I am sure that wide-screen movie would be a great treat.

Guy Taylor

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James N. Savage 3
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 - posted August 27, 2016 09:23 AM      Profile for James N. Savage 3     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Always an unforgettable event for us "film enthusiasts" [Wink]

You'd be hard-pressed to find another group of nicer folks, as well as all of the knowledge of all things film-related.

I am doing my best to make the trip back this year.


If you are driving from the DC/MVA area, I highly recommend taking your car on the Lewes/Cape May ferry, at least one-way for the trip. It will chop a few miles off the driving, and very relaxing ride as well. I always ride it over, and when you get off in Cape May, NJ, you are only about 30 minutes from CINESEA!

Hope to see you all there.

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Douglas Warren
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 - posted August 27, 2016 10:09 AM      Profile for Douglas Warren     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I wish I could make it but alas, it's not to be. Maybe one year I hope!

Turn out the lights,the movie is starting!

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Dave Ruth
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 - posted August 27, 2016 11:07 AM      Profile for Dave Ruth   Email Dave Ruth   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Does anyone have a schedule of events for this? I want to pop in at some point, but I want to be able to purchase some prints.

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Steve Klare
Film Guy

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 - posted August 27, 2016 11:33 AM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

It comes twice a year! If not this time, we'll be there for you next time.

If you can make it you won't even be the only Ohioan there!

My attitude about this is the best reason anybody should come is because it's actually good for them!

Back about four years ago I was struggling in a new job and that Friday it wasn't looking good. My boss told me if a budget cut came I was no better than second in line to get the axe.

I was a mess!

I came to Wildwood, relaxed and enjoyed myself and came back to work feeling much better, and things have been better ever since.

I'm not saying CineSea saved my job, it was just a welcome change of scenery at exactly the right moment.

We all have crap to deal with:

-Your car burns more oil than gasoline. You can afford a new one, but only if you sell a kidney.
-Your new boss is 25 years old and is only there because his parents own the company. Last week he decreed all memos are to be in text-speak.
-You fixed the roof last week, and now the foundation is leaking.
-Your neighbor has a garage band and an amplifier that dims the entire neighborhood when he turns it on.
-Your 16 year old wants a full body tattoo.
-You looked in the mirror this morning and saw your Dad looking back at you. (He didn't look very happy.)

You need a break! This is a good one!

Its what people used to call "Good, clean fun".


This is the basic schedule:

Upcoming Film Conventions

There is also a Sunday breakfast: not an official event, but it's always happened.

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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