Topic: Coming Soon: CineSea
Steve Klare
Film Guy

Posts: 7016
From: Long Island, NY, USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 27, 2016 11:33 AM
It comes twice a year! If not this time, we'll be there for you next time.
If you can make it you won't even be the only Ohioan there!
My attitude about this is the best reason anybody should come is because it's actually good for them!
Back about four years ago I was struggling in a new job and that Friday it wasn't looking good. My boss told me if a budget cut came I was no better than second in line to get the axe.
I was a mess!
I came to Wildwood, relaxed and enjoyed myself and came back to work feeling much better, and things have been better ever since.
I'm not saying CineSea saved my job, it was just a welcome change of scenery at exactly the right moment.
We all have crap to deal with:
-Your car burns more oil than gasoline. You can afford a new one, but only if you sell a kidney. -Your new boss is 25 years old and is only there because his parents own the company. Last week he decreed all memos are to be in text-speak. -You fixed the roof last week, and now the foundation is leaking. -Your neighbor has a garage band and an amplifier that dims the entire neighborhood when he turns it on. -Your 16 year old wants a full body tattoo. -You looked in the mirror this morning and saw your Dad looking back at you. (He didn't look very happy.)
You need a break! This is a good one!
Its what people used to call "Good, clean fun".
This is the basic schedule:
Upcoming Film Conventions
There is also a Sunday breakfast: not an official event, but it's always happened.
-------------------- All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...
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