Posts: 7477
From: Manchester Uk
Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 08, 2017 11:34 AM
It was indeed and whilst the Cresta models are now long gone, similar units are still available for the GS 1200 from FFR and the likes Del.
The concept with all of these units is to raise your projector speed to 25fps instead of 24fps by feeding it a pulse. Then of course, it has the exact frame rate of the DVD and will keep the two in Sync so long they are both started at exactly the same time.
-------------------- "C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"
Posts: 5895
From: Bristol. United Kingdom
Registered: Oct 2007
posted February 08, 2017 02:53 PM
Just looking at the February 1982 issue of "Movie Maker". Cresta Electronics were at Radlett, Herts, and had many items of interest. Their ad for the GS Interface (price £49.99) reads:-
"The unit enables you to use a reel to reel or cassette recorder to produce synchronised sound tracks for your films. Lift-off Single System Sound onto tape while adding sound effects or music and then lay it back onto stripe - in perfect synchronisation. Location recorded sync material can be transferred onto stripe using pulses recorded at the time of filming to control projector speed."
They also offered a striping service for mono or stereo tracks. Mono was 1.5 pence per foot, and stereo was 2.0 pence per foot. They would not accept polyester based film.
Posts: 679
From: Derbyshire, England
Registered: Dec 2005
posted February 09, 2017 01:35 PM
I do have a set of instructions but can't make head nor tail of them, plus a newsletter dated Feb 1998, this came with the unit and reading between the lines this is when it was purchased, it says in the newsletter that Cresta had started to reproduce the GS Interface.
Posts: 7477
From: Manchester Uk
Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 09, 2017 04:37 PM
Pauls used one of these Del, he should be able to guide you hopefully of how best to use it.
The only box that could work for my own requirements would be the P1008GS-U or the Fujica Puls Sync Controller. Even then I'd need to offer it a pulse from a PC for the latter and find a motor controlling board or two for the first I mention.
I live in hope one day.
-------------------- "C'mon Baggy..Get with the beat"
Posts: 679
From: Derbyshire, England
Registered: Dec 2005
posted February 10, 2017 03:25 AM
At first you think you've found the Holy Grail and then find out it's Mutton dressed as Lamb, I'll be sending it back. I've had some great feedback of Paul and I'm hoping he will help me on my quest.