Dan Lail
Film God Posts: 2110
From: Loganville, Georgia, USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 14, 2005 06:40 PM
What are the chances of finding 16mm films with magnetic sound tracks? Wasn't there some kind of juke box from the fifties that played magnetic sound films. I'm not referring to Soundies. I know what Soundies are.
Posts: 701
From: Massachusetts
Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 14, 2005 08:31 PM
You're talking about Scopitones. They turn up from time to time on ebay.
Also you can sometimes find airline prints of features with MAG and Optical tracks on the same print. Optical in English and MAG in some other language - like French or Spanish. I've got a couple in my collection...
posted June 15, 2005 12:12 AM
I've always wondered why magnetic sound didn't catch on with 16mm like it did with super-8. Wider stripes and nearly double the running speed must have made for some truly amazing sound quality... but then *shudder I just can't warm up to the whole concept of optical sound.
-------------------- Call me Phoenix. *dusts off the ashes*
Posts: 69
From: San Francisco, California 94131
Registered: Nov 2004
posted June 17, 2005 04:33 PM
Clearly the higher fidelity mag tracks were the superior way to go. Yet optical was the de-facto standard established tried & proven for decades which could be printed (exposed) at the same time as the picture, lasting the life of the print, not accidentally erased and significantly cheaper for the end user. The 16mm market being saturated with the lesser expensive optical equipment plus the fact that pricier 16mm magnetic was not backwardly compatible with older optical equipment probably didn't help either. John P
PS: I think if videotape had not come along & had been increasingly perfected and we stayed with 16mm motion picture film, magnetic audio tracks would have evolved & easily obsoleted conventional 16mm optical mono 100/6K printed tracks in favor of hi-fi stereo tracks.
-------------------- Antique Video Transfer Service 2" Quadruplex videotape to DV/DVCAM digital transfers 5001 Diamond Hts Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94131-1621 www.antiquevideo.com antvid@antiquevideo.com
Posts: 1633
From: Cheshire, U.K.
Registered: Dec 2003
posted June 30, 2005 04:11 AM
Before video cameras became the standard, news camera crews in the UK used shoot on pre-striped 16mm.
When I was at University (about 10 years ago!) we still had to train to use 16mm cameras and amongst the equipment were loads of brand new magnetic sound heads for the cameras. These had been bought up cheap from news stations that no longer needed them. Apparently they had cost about £500 each new and they were totally unused, nor ever likely to be used!
So if you ever find any camera original UK based news footage from, say, the 1970's it could be magnetic sound! Of course it will also be full of splices as it was usually the original camera reversal film that was edited for transmission!
Dan Lail
Film God Posts: 2110
From: Loganville, Georgia, USA
Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 30, 2005 12:13 PM
Thanks, Rob, that would be a fantastic find, but probably very rare. It appears there are many scopitones out there. Some in I.B. Tech! You would think with all the independent film makers and students some one could make money providing mag striping for 16mm and 8mm.
posted June 30, 2005 03:47 PM
Rob I'm in UK and yesturday I picked up a B&H TQII with magnectic sound in addition to optical, all my others do not have magnetic. It would be nice to have some magnetic sound film to see if will reproduce OK, where is a good source of a short print with mag. sound?
Posts: 1633
From: Cheshire, U.K.
Registered: Dec 2003
posted July 06, 2005 09:03 AM
Hi David, sorry for delay in replying. I don't really know a definate source for magnetic prints. I had a look at the usual dealers lists but didn't see anything, although I know that magnetic films do pop up now and again.
I would just keep trying the normal dealers. I know Phil Sheard at Classic Home Cinema often keeps so much stock that it can't all be listed and he often has a lot of unusual treasures so I would maybe try there first.
Posts: 69
From: San Francisco, California 94131
Registered: Nov 2004
posted July 07, 2005 02:46 AM
I've got a 14 minute magnetic ECO Ektachrome reversal travelogue - looks home-made around the early to mid 70s of Glacier Nat Park - Montana I used it for testing magnetic projectors. I was going to use it for experimental magnetic recording but never got around to it. If you can use it: antvid@antiquevideo.com
-------------------- Antique Video Transfer Service 2" Quadruplex videotape to DV/DVCAM digital transfers 5001 Diamond Hts Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94131-1621 www.antiquevideo.com antvid@antiquevideo.com
Posts: 69
From: San Francisco, California 94131
Registered: Nov 2004
posted July 07, 2005 07:01 PM
Magnetic film is on hold. Thanks John
-------------------- Antique Video Transfer Service 2" Quadruplex videotape to DV/DVCAM digital transfers 5001 Diamond Hts Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94131-1621 www.antiquevideo.com antvid@antiquevideo.com
Posts: 69
From: San Francisco, California 94131
Registered: Nov 2004
posted July 13, 2005 12:30 AM
Mag film is traded. Thanks.
Dan, the soundie is Terrific. . . . . (just like Louis Prima and Keely Smith.
Thanks John
-------------------- Antique Video Transfer Service 2" Quadruplex videotape to DV/DVCAM digital transfers 5001 Diamond Hts Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94131-1621 www.antiquevideo.com antvid@antiquevideo.com