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Hi Pedro. You are probably aware that there were a number of modifications of the Baby projectors over the years but the mechanisms were all more or less the same. The main part that needed to be replaced was the shutter which was made of Mazac which distorts and disintigrates over time. We were able to purchase brass replacements here in the U.K. some years ago but they are no longer available so it is a case of making your own these days. To the best of my knowledge repair manuals never existed.
Just thought of something else. There is a Spanish 9.5 mm enthusiasts club still in exitence who may be able to help. Also look at past 9.5 topics in this forum and the old one.
I'm currently making shutter wheels. So far, I've casted them in aluminium, zinc and bronze and tested them and these last ones are by far the best due to their weight.
The reason for asking for a manual is because I find very awkward the way they are built and assembling them is like a jigsaw puzzle im which you need 5 hands at the same time. There must be a specific order or some sort of jigs to hold some parts while others are put in place. Also, Im lacking the tolerances that some parts need so its a bit of trial and error until I find rhe sweet spot.
I was contacted by a guy in Spain but his offer was just to repair it.
Certainly the weight of the shutter helps the mechanism to run smoothly. I cannot help regarding jigs to hold the pieces together. Unfortunately I do not know anyone who has had to dismantle the mechanisms because of worn gears or shafts. I believe the whole mechanism block can be removed quite easily from the rest of the body because this had to be done when Pathe sold the parts to allow the larger 60ft cassettes to be used. However, this may only be correct for the earliest versions. The one I have is a 1927 model and apart from the shutter replacement the only modification I have done is regards the lighting as original bulbs are no longer available and the original wiring with the resistance in the base would be lethal !
Célestin, in France, repairs projectors, he may know how to do. However, as far as I know, Célestin is not confortable with English, and seldom uses Internet. You can find his address and phone number by googeling Atelier de Célestin (Montrouge).