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Spanish festival 2021

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  • Spanish festival 2021

    I've just received the poster of the festival held yearly at Calella, close to Barcelona. The 2020 edition had to be cancelled because of the the virus. Hopefully, the situation will improve and the 2021 edition will happen. At least, the fact that it's scheduled gives us some hope.

    Click image for larger version

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  • #2
    Never been may have to make some extra effort 😀


    • #3
      No doubt some support from the UK would be more than appreciated by our Spanish enthusiasts since, sadly, the number of atendees has shrinked over the last years.


      • #4
        UPDATE : due to the situation, this year the edition will be replaced by a life 9.5 projections session on Internet. This event will happen on the 1st May. The organizators didn't want just to report to 2022 and let us without anything this year. I will provide the technical informations when I get them.


        • #5
          Thanks Dom. I also received the same email. Should be good the online film show.

          Graham S


          • #6
            On line projection is confirmed for Saturday 1st May at 5 pm SPANISH TIME.

            Here is the form to enter a film (I received the version in French, so this is the one I post here as information, if anyone needs a version in English, I can easily ask for one). Any further information can be obtained from Lluis. I will be happy to provide his e-mail address by PM to those interested.

            48 Festival Cinema 9,5mm de Calella et 1º projection en Ligne

            Fiche d'inscription de film

            1.-Nous acceptons films argentiques d'amateur en 9,5mm.

            2.-De preference, la durée maximale ne doit depasser les 12 minutes.

            3.-Films noir et blanc et films muets ou sonores tous acceptés.

            4.-En raison des restrictions de Covid-19, la projection sera en ligne. Les auteurs doivent comprendre et accepter.

            5.-Les films devront être envoyés à Barcelone. Après le festival, tous les films seront renvoyés aux auteurs.

            6.-La projection aura lieu samedi le 1er Mai à 17h00.

            7.-Pour confirmer une inscription, veuillez simplement répondre à cet e-mail en fournissant les informations demandées ci-dessous. Après réception du formulaire, Grup 9,5mm vous contactera afin d'organiser l'expédition du film.


            Country/Pays:- Email:-

            Year/Année:- Length/Duree:- Speed/Vitesse:-
            Sound/Son Indicate: Stripe Left / Piste gauche; Tape / Cassette; CD):-
            Category/Categorie: (Indicate: Travel / Voyage; Reportage; Screenplay / Scénario; Animation):-


            • #7
              Dominique - Will you be giving us the website address so that we could all join in watching the films together at the time of projection ?


              • #8
                Certainly, Melvin. As soon as I get it,I will post it. Watch this space


                • #9
                  Good 9-5 work


                  • #10
                    I just got the English version of the document (from Cliff Perriam, Group 9.5).

                    Film Entry Form

                    1.-Films must be original 9,5mm amateur prints.

                    2.-Maximum length should be 12 minutes.

                    3.-Black and white; silent and sound films all accepted.

                    4.-Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, screening will be online.  Authors must understand and agree.

                    5.-Films will have to be sent to Barcelona. After the festival all the films will be sent back to the authors.

                    6.-Screening will take place next Saturday Mai 1 at 17:00H.  (Spanish time).

                    7.-To confirm a entry,  please just answer this email providing the information requested below.  After form reception, Grup 9,5mm will contact you in order to arrange film shipment.


                    • #11
                      Reely love to see positive 9-5 film news and remember friends it was the first amateur film gauge. Brilliant thank Dom


                      • #12
                        Here is the programm of the live projection due on the 1st May. The link should be provided on Tuesday.

                        1st Online 9,5 mm film screening FESTIMATGE, Festival de la Imatge de Calella 2021 Program

                        1-- Sand Sculptures

                        Author: Hugh Hale - UK - Length: 4 min.

                        Hugh Hale describes in this film, ironically, the seaside as a musseum of sand sculptures that can be visited for about two months a year and where the "sculptures" change every day and often they come from different countries.

                        2-- Une fête pour les enfants

                        Author: Marc Boucher - France - Length: 9 min.

                        Marc Boucher shows in this film, the complex work of some adults preparing a party for children, imagining all kinds of games for them to have fun, and where, perhaps, in the end both adults and children will play......

                        3-- Looking Around

                        Author: Hugh Hale - UK - Length: 4,5 min.

                        Reportage presented by Hugh Hale and made in his early days as a filmmaker. To learn the cinema's technique, he enrolled in a school of arts and sciences workshops. A film workshop were also on the list and obviously 9,5mm was the film format. The students of the film course made this report filming all the different workshops on the school and ending with a short film as a final project.

                        4-- Noisette, Indienne et les autres

                        Author: Bernard Castella - France - Length: 7 min.

                        In this film-reportage, received from France, Bernard Castella makes us enjoy animals and, specifically, what well-trained horses can do. The film show a team horse competition, highlighting the agility and skill of these animals.

                        5-- Adeu a la parada màgica

                        Author: Josep Lluis Viscarri - Catalonia - Spain - Length: 9 min.

                        Josep Lluis Viscarri presents this reportage "document". It was filmed in 1980, when Pere Coma retired and, therefore, his cinema stall located outside the Sant Antoni market in Barcelona disappeared forever. Many friends gathered that last day around his stall as a farewell. The film was made in black and white, and the process made by the author himself.

                        6-- The Destroyers

                        Author: Hugh Hale - UK - Length: 3,5 min.

                        If you like the very typical 9.5mm comedy silent films, you will like this film presented by Hugh Hale. Made in black and white, it is inspired by the shapes of classic comedies we all know and shows us how little skill people can have in their daily work.

                        7-- Le paradis retrouvé

                        Author: Paul Bigou - France - Length: 14 min.

                        Paul Bigou presents this documentary in which we will undoubtedly enjoy nature and the incredible places that are in the "Pyrénées National Park". Pure nature that this film will allow us to know. (Shot in the exclusive Super 9.5mm film format, as there are no projectors available, we made an exception and accepted it in digital format.)

                        8-- Visite du parc Catalunya en Miniatura

                        Author: Jean Penavayre - France - Length: 4,5 min.

                        Jean Penavayre, a filmmaker who regularly visits us at our 9.5mm film meetings in Calella, presents a documentary made in 2001 during the 28th Calella festival. That year the cultural outing took us to visit the "Catalunya en miniatura" park and Mr. Penavayre made a reportage that we can enjoy on this occasion. (Shot in the exclusive Super 9.5mm film format, as there are no projectors, we made an exception and accepted it in digital format.)

                        Grup 9,5 mm Foto-Film Calella Calella (Barcelona), May 1, 2021


                        • #13
                          Here is the link : Cinema 9,5mm online - YouTube

                          It will happen on Saturday 1st May, 5pm SPANISH TIME .


                          • #14
                            I will have had my second Vaccine dose then as well 👨‍🔬 Hope she aims for the center perforation this time. He

                            5pm in Spain makes it around 4pm in the UK so we get to see it first?


                            • #15
                              It's today 😁

