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In 2011 : Wimborne 9.5 festival

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  • In 2011 : Wimborne 9.5 festival

    I came across this video about a small 9.5 festival that was held in the UK. Does anyone have some informations about it ? Was the 2011 edition the last one ?

  • #2
    Yes Dom I was pleased to get my Dad along when he was still around to watch the 17.5 demonstration.
    Twas a once a year event.
    Last edited by Lee Mannering; March 12, 2020, 10:22 AM.


    • #3
      Nice, Lee. Sad it ended.


      • #4
        Hi Dom. As far as I remeber it was started and more or less run by a fellow called Ken Wordsworth. I think it more or less ended when he died. It was attended by various Group 9.5 and Vintage Film Circle members at the time. Ken Finch.


        • #5
          Great video Dominique, well done for finding it and thank you for posting the link!


          • #6
            They had a good team of people from up and down the country staging the event actually.

            My dad was keen on 9-5 all his life and hot into 17.5 sound before the war. He was as it turned out a little unique in owning one of the blimped machines which at a London 9.5 event 40 years ago a couple of experts said never existed! That was until he pulled out a photo of it with pa projecting in a packed village hall wartime.

            Getting Dad to wimborne to see the 17.5 show was wonderful he loved chatting about the gauge and 9.5 thankfully I filmed it a precious memory.

            These memories are priceless


            • #7
              Lovely story Lee. How I wish the Wimbourne event would be revived. It's only a few miles from where I live, but I wonder how many enthusiasts there are about now that would make it a viable proposition. Lee where was the venue held in Wimbourne?


              • #8
                Hi Terry I'll find a photo and add it here stand by

                The used the Scouts hut but inside it had projection room at the back and cinema seating, ideal for a group of enthusiasts. The event was usually over a couple of days on a weekend with films, talks ( I did one on Steve the Horse cartoons and 9-5) also a visit to a film related spot.

                Click image for larger version

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                When I'm in the south Bournemouth way you can actually hop on a bus which will take you direct to Wimborne. We should have been there recently but due to Karaoke Virus cancelled GRRR.
                I always pop over to reminisce in Wimbers and of course a very pretty place.

                Click image for larger version

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ID:	7634
                Last edited by Lee Mannering; April 13, 2020, 09:25 AM.


                • #9
                  Thanks for all those informations, Lee. I would have loved attending a specific 9.5 event as this one.


                  • #10
                    Yes I echo Dom's comments. Thanks for pics too Lee.


                    • #11
                      No problemo A couple of years ago it was repainted as here.

                      Click image for larger version  Name:	repainted LM.jpg Views:	0 Size:	91.2 KB ID:	7788

                      We should have been down south this month but of course holiday cancelled. When we do get down I'll make some enquiries in Wimborne and see how the land lies.


                      • #12
                        A peep at a couple of the programmes

                        Click image for larger version

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                        Click image for larger version

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