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Now is the time to celebrate 9.5mm.
End of April they are having a home movie day here in the library which will be great. Ill be popping some 9.5 kit in the car in case they miss the first amateur gauge out!
I've been in Spain for a few days and was lucky to be in Barcelona the very day a 9.5 projection was organized to celebrate the 100 years of the gauge. An unexpected great moment.
The entrance was free.
The star of the day : an Heurtier projector. Note the peg
The base (note the tape ) was added to hide a transformer as the original lamp has been replaced by a 24v250w one. It has been powerful enough to give a good image.
It's actually a good machine.
The picture has been taken before all the audience arrived. There has been tens of attendees.
Two reels of films were projected : the first one consisted of several amateur films about Barcelona and surrinding places (like Calella, where the 9.5 festival is held every year in April), the second one allowed us to see some classicals from the 9.5 catalogue (Méliès, Betty Boop and Charles Chaplin).
We even had a live accompaniment !
The only picture I took of amateur films that is not out of focus. Unfortunately, the best my telephone could do.
Before and after the shos, there has been explanations about the gauge, but nor in English, nor in French, so I couldn't follow much.
So nice to see those pictures Dom thank you for sharing them. Sat 26th Nov for us which will also include a short Zoom meeting. I'll post the details when I have them nearer the time.
Tomorrow will be held a special 9.5 projection at the Fondation Seydoux-Pathé, in Paris. Looks like ours Dutch friands from the defunct Dutch club will be there.
The projector that belongs to the Ciné Club de France was specially brought for the occasion.
The projectionist of the day is a lady (Anne Gourdet Marès from the Fondation Seydoux-Pathé, where the projection happened).
Bernard Castella, president of the Ciné-Club 9,5 de France made a short introduction for the non-members(and so no nine-fivers, neither) who attended the projection.
A Dutch 9.5 lady enthusiast was wearing those fantastic earrings !
All the ninefivers who could come (there is currently a shortage of petrol in France due to a strike)
Monday and yesterday, I attended the two lectures days dedicated to the 100 years of the Pathé Baby. It was fascinating. There were specialists from differents countries : Spain, Italy, Canada (Quebec), USA, Taiwan, Hungry Switzerland and, of course, France. I was surprized that there were so many searches made in so different parts of the world. I was amazed to learn, among other things, that there had been several 9.5 clubs in Japan (Taiwan was a Japanese colony until 1945) and even a magazine that was equivalent to the French "Le cinéma chez soi".
The machine the Swiss cinematheque built. And it works : it reperfors 16mm to 9.5. The results look perfect.
A 9.5 projector built by a Swiss passionate. The projector originally used has not been identified.
An non succeeded (Swiss, again !) attempt to convert a super 8 camera to 9.5 was quoted and this 9.5 cartridge built of the super 8 model was showed.
The film seen beside the cartridge is not 9.5 but super 9.5.
Salut Dominique! Do you know what happened to that „Super9.5mm“ format? Several friends remember camera prototypes and demo-screenings being shown on some film fairs in the 1990s. But nobody remembers filmstock being made available and more than the two or three converted cameras.
Hello Joerg. The gauge was a commercial failure. The material was too expensive for an already declining market in the '90s and the man who was behind the project had some troubles I cannot detail here. I was told only one camera was made (I guess, it's the same for the projector). This super 9.5 camera is not lost, a member of the Ciné-club 9,5 de France has it.