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Pathe Baby Shutter Flywheel

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  • Pathe Baby Shutter Flywheel

    This is a topic covered by both the old archive forum and this new forum. I don't think it's had it's own topic though. With the 100th anniversary on the horizon I wouldn't be surprised to see a little surge in desire to own a functional Baby. Who doesn't want a functional 👶
    I've begun on a path restoring one or two myself and it's the shutter that's the sticking point.
    I've toyed with making one myself out of wood or even spending the next few years perfecting my none existent casting skills.
    But then there appears to be a solution already. I'm hoping Ashton Shutters are still available. If so, a new demand for them may be around the corner. I certainly wouldn't mind one.

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  • #2
    Is 3 D printing an option here Stuart.

    Or does it need to be metal.

    Its a low heat unit so may be Ok ?

    Best wishes Mark.


    • #3
      Hi Mark. I think metal. It acts as a flywheel too when hand cranking to smooth the rotation and help keep a steady film advance. I don't think the Baby lends itself to plastic parts so much. Although electrically, it may benefit from being totally made from plastic as it really is old school dodgy!
      However, as I'm taking things apart I'll measure up components if you'd like to make a completely 3D Baby! That may be cool. I'll need guidance with this when measuring gears etc.


      • #4
        I think I have a machine I have managed to do irrepairable damage to in the past. It would be be a good donor machine. Are you going to Blackpool?


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        • #5
          I would think the weight of the flywheel would be important for proper operation. Everything on the Path Baby is so strictly engineered.


          • #6
            Hi Nick. I'm hoping to get to the Sunday collectors day. I had booked the weekend off but caught Covid on the 1st so had to isolate till 11th. That ment time off and a bit of rearranging had to be done. I think it'll be how I feel Sunday morning so can't promise to be there.
            Hello Janice, seen a couple of your videos of your restoration of the Pathé Baby and posts in the old forum. They're great videos by the way.


            • #7
              Hi Stuart. Ron Ashton sells his shutters on eBay - I have bought a couple in the past. He is a very good engineer! If you are interested in the histoary of the baby he has written a book about the Baby "The Pathe Baby 1922 to 1934" and the ACE "Pathescope ACE 1935 to 1960" too. They may still be available from him.


              • #8
                Stuart Budd Glad you liked the videos. Anybody that has a Pathe Baby appreciates its engineering and history.

                ​​​​​​I have both the little books that Daniel Bottom mensions and I agree well worth having.


                • #9

                  Great to see you, if only briefly Sunday, If you are still looking for a shutter, email me directly.



                  • #10
                    Hi Nick. It was brief. Next year I'll make it a weekend event. I don't think travel and haggle go hand in hand. You need a bit of socialising first. Blackpool would have been nice to see at night too. As for the shutter, I'm hopping there may be news around the corner that could benefit a few Pathé Baby owners with shutter needs. I'm going to hold off till then, December all being well.

                    Hi Janice, hard copies are so much better than pdfs. I'll certainly see if those books are still available. You too will have to come to Blackpool, or we can facetime you. I'm sure there will be somebody tech savvy enough to manage that

                    Fingers crossed, lets see what December brings!


                    • #11
                      If my memory serves me right Ron Ashton died a few years ago and I do not know of anyone else can supply one. I obtained one from Ken Valentine some years ago but he has also retired now. We are both the same age and have not seen him for about 3 years. If all else fails, you could contact your local model engineering club to make you one. I did this to obtain replacement pulleys for my Pathe PAX which was also made of MAZAK. Ken Finch.


                      • #12
                        Thanks Ken. MAZAK. Never heard of it till your post but I've certainly been around it. It's a trade mark of ZAMAK (letter swap) apparently. Low melting point. A multi mix alloy used to make toy cars like Matchbox. Really handy info.
                        I've been reading quite abit of infomation on my phone and haven't been keeping notes. But I'm hoping the shutters are still available in batch quantities when demand is there and time permitting for the production team. I guess it a case of watch this space.
                        Having said that, don't be surprised if Matchbox and other metal toys start getting bought up on eBay!
                        Thanks Ken, I do like hidden information.


                        • #13
                          Just for information, they are available from France, but at high cost :


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dominique De Bast View Post
                            Just for information, they are available from France, but at high cost :

                            I'm guessing business needs to double and then some to their cost price. I would be hopping to get close to 4 for those prices!

                            They're a really nice item and still full functional. I can see plenty who want their Baby projecting again and paying to ensure that. There are levels of wealth that's matched by spending but the quality level is often the same.

                            Positive from that is the Baby is still in vogue 😊


                            • #15
                              Stu. I had a few machined up by a local engineering firm for our 9-5 locals. Each worked out at £39 metal of course a good way to go if you have a need for a few.

