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Astor 33 Hand cranked Projector

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  • Astor 33 Hand cranked Projector

    Does anyone have any general infomation on the Astor 33 - 9.5 mm projector. Picked one up with a job lot, never heard of them before?


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  • #2
    Now you take me back to Christmas 1946!
    This was when I received a new Hunter 9.5mm hand turned projector which cost £7 17s 6d. Motorised version was 15 guineas.
    This was actually a Bingoscope. It also came out as an Astor 33.
    Click on below to read details of the Hunter,

    95gearbingoscopehuntertest.jpg (768×1043) (
    An Astor 33 film projector together with 3 Pathescope | 13th February 2019 | Denhams


    • #3

      In the last auction I went to, along with the Model D, I picked up a job lot of Bread Trays with mixed film related bits. Included in the bits was a complete boxed hand cranked projector - An Astor 33 - its now in my store along with a large amount of other equipment. There was a Bingoscope too. I had made a new years resolution not to buy anymore stuff until I had finished the pile I had waiting to be reconditioned. It lasted about 10 days. This sale got me a years worth on its own for a relative pittance. Problem is I like the old stuff, well engineered, a part of history really. I woner what the designers of this stuff would say if they knew it was still around and working?


      • #4
        The Hunter was purchased from a well known Bristol cine dealer who also had a 9.5mm silent film library. However, when my father and I tried to join the library we were refused as the Hunter had no sprockets. They explained that the film was advanced from the feed spool by its claw. This often caused torn perforations making further runs impossible.

        This was 1946 and no new films were yet being issued. The two world wars had only ceased not much more than a year previously.

        After a short while we bought a second-hand Kodascope model C so that we could join their 16mm silent library,

