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ANYONE... Have a bracket for my scope lens that will fit a ELMO CX-350 16MM XENON PROJECTOR? I have one from the reel image that fits my Elmo GS1200 but dont know if I can use it with the CX-350 in any way???
I have Elmo brakcet that is intended for ELMO 16CL. This is the original ones made of steel not the one 3D that is made of plastic. This bracket can be used for several other models but I am not sure for the CX-series.
If you can check that we can make a transaction. 😊
Thanks Winbert! I have one of the plastic ones for my Elmo GS100. Your Correct, I dont know if if will fit my CX-350. Projector is on the way now so soon as it arrives I will know the measurments and will wright you asap!
As many CX350 share the same parts with Elmo 16CL and 16AL as well as CX550, I have the feeling the scope bracket will also be the same.
This is how the bracket works for the lens and the projector.
As you can see, the bracket will be slided in to a socket (the Instruction Book describes it as "Scope lens holder socket") that is already installed on the body of projector. From google I can see that the CX series have the same socket. When the projector arrive you can measure the length of that socket and I will measure my brakcet.