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I'm trying to work out have to contact a pair of headphones to my eiki elf nt if I plug them into the speaker socket it's very distorted as it's 8 ohms.
any ideas guys.
It feels almost like the difference in impedance is causing your amplifier to drive the headphones too hard.
-did you try lowering the volume?
It's a little surprising to me since I use the 8 Ohm speaker output on my Kodak Pageant to drive an almost 5,000 Ohm voltage divider to get a line-level output for my external sound system and it sounds just fine, but I guess the two Amps circuits are just different.
I use that headphone (bought at a Film fair in the UK). As you can see on the picture, it's 8 ohms. To get the sound in both parts, I had to add an adaptative plug (€ 1,50). The only limit is that there is a back noise when the volume knob is set too low.
Does the message I posted with a picture appear? On my compter, I see that the last answer is from Steve, but with my profile picture (!) and on my phone, although I can see my message displayed (as on my computer), it says "One response" (and with my maths, Steve's answer and mine make two replies).
Thank you very much h for all you replies ihave been given a wiring schematics and all I need to do is make up a box with some 6.5mm sockets and wire in a couple of resistors all let you hiw it goes.