Probably a frequently asked question but if so I can't find an answer using the search function. I have just bought a fully operational 16mm Bell and Howell 643 plus Filmosound projector. But for domestic use the projected image is tiny, I know it is designed for much bigger rooms/halls. I am investigating a replacement or add on short throw lens but don't know what I am looking for. I don't want to become a lens expert, I just want to know what to look for. I paid £60 for the projector, so I don't want to spend a fortune on the lens. Any advice would be most welcome.
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16mm projector short throw lens help needed
James - There is a 32mm to 65mm zoom lens available for Bell and Howell's as I have got one. However, even for my moderate size room I still find the 32mm setting (the lower the number, the wider the picture in a shorter distance to the screen) inadequate to fill a 6ft screen at around 15 feet. Frustratingly, or fortunately - depending one ones view point - super 8 handles it far far better. BUT it is one hell of an improvement on the 50mm lens, or so, that you are using and come as bog standard with B&H.
(incidentally, at 65mm I get a decent picture reflected back from the moon !)
By the way..... welcome to the fraternity! I hope this is the start of many years film watching / collecting the way films should be watched. On celluloid !
You also could get a 25mm (1inch) lens. That should give you quite a large image (double the size, compared to the standard 50mm lens). And they are usually not too expensive.
Here a table with screen sizes for different lenses and projection distances...
You can expect to pay a lot for a wide angle lens, in particular for 16mm projectors. You are thinking of 3x, to 4x the cost of the £60 machine you have purchased. 38mm, and especially 25mm lens are rare (and desirable), so that is what you are paying for. You might eventually find a bargain of course if you keep looking, or perhaps one attached to another projector for sale, where the lens is worth more than the projector its attached to.
You could also get yourself an attachment like this:
(Please ignore Wittner‘s price - when it was still sold by hama, it was available new for something like 30€. Hence you can find it or similar items on eBay for cheap, e.g. )
Yes, having a decent lens is much more convenient and will result in a better quality. But when you are on a budget, don’t have any films in cinemascope and can’t find a cheap wide angle lens, then this an alternative.
Not sure if that lens barrel size would be large enough to accommodate this. But if yes then you might find this idea interesting.