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Update on my Debire D16 Professional Projector

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  • Update on my Debire D16 Professional Projector

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    Hello folks, thought I'd post an update on how things are going with the restoration of my Debrie D16.

    Last time I posted, July 2018, it was without sound and was after a new photocell tube. That was replaced as the original had blown but unfortunately still no sound.

    Time passed by as other things got in the way etc. However, a chance conversation with a neighbour down the road on VE Day revealed that back in the day he use to project films on that very model of projector. As we're in the throws of lockdown (Covid-19) we decided I'd run it down the street to him later in the year.

    Last Saturday I wheeled the projector, amp, and speaker down the street to his potting shed and left it with him. On Wednesday I caught up with him and the good news is that the amp is outputting sound. There were a couple of cables in the amp that had deteriorated and these have been replaced.

    The next item to replace is a perished drive belt that is fitted to a brass wheel that is in contact with the motor. I've attached a photo which will probably explain a whole lot better.

    I've ordered some replacement large O rings to see if that will do and also purchased but not yet got my sticky mitts on is a donner D16 projector body.

    I'll keep you posted as to how things progress.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi Richard, I have 3 of these big black beasties and a stand which I have had for a number of years which because of my age now wish to dispose of if you are interested. Also have the Debrie manual, amp circuit diagram and spare lamps. One is the 25watt model with octal base valves. Not been used for some time and has a dodgy motor. The other 2 are for spare parts, one having the miniature valves. I live in Herne village near Herne Bay ,Kent. if that is any help to you The beauty of these machine is the modular construction so all parts are quickly interchangeable. They are also very quiet runners. The only drawback is the weight!! Ken Finch.


    • #3
      Hi Ken, Yes I think I would be interested. I've got a reprinted manual which does contain the amp circuit diagram, not that it's much use to me I'm sad to say haha, not my area of expertise, unfortunately.
      I have got a friend collecting a carcass today for me from Kingsbridge that I'm hoping to salvage the drive wheel from as mentioned in my post above. I'm in Northwest Leicestershire so it'll take a little bit of planning, but I'll give this some thought.


      • #4
        hi Ken and Richard,

        I'd be very keen to get copies of the D16 circuit diagrams. I have three of these machines (two black ones and a later grey one) at the mo and the amps need some work. A scan would do, I don't need the paper originals. Would this be possible?

        Ken if no takers for your three machines then I might be able to find homes for them if all else fails.



        • #5
          Hi Phil, I've sent you a message regarding the circuit diagram.


          • #6
            Hi Richard and Phil. I still have the 3 machines as mentioned including 10 spare lamps, 8 are "new old stock" and the stand. All 3 projectors are mechanical sound but motors and amps may need checking. Am sending you a P.M. with my contact details as I am open to negotiation. Have already tried to repond to Richard butit appeared to Crash. Ken Finch.


            • #7
              Re my 3 "Black Beastie Debrie D16s. One down 2 to go. Nice to know there is still an interest in what were probably the best designed 16mm machines ever marketed for a number of reasons. I learned quite a lot about their advantages and few weak points over the years, One big advantage being the modular construction which enables compatibility between all models. I could explain more but won't bore you for now. !! "Sorry Bell and Howell but none of yours were ever so easy to maintain or such quiet runners"!!! Ken Finch


              • #8
                The later grey models with the 'V' gate were best imho. A more modern amp with the miniature valves and innovative 'V' gate which gripped only the edge of the film through the gate. This meant that the film emulsion was completely untouched, so no danger of scratching whatsoever. Easy to thread and great performance. As previously said, the only downside is the weight of projector, transformer and speaker cabinet - and all those connector cables. The motor can also be troublesome. If the start contact breakers stick the windings short out in seconds when the motor is first switched on, although the motor can still be used I'm told, by giving the inching knob a quick turn when the motor is switched on. This relay burn out never happened to me though in all the years I had a D16. Great professional machines.
                I also have all the instruction manuals and wiring diagrams if anyone is interested.


                • #9
                  Hi Terry, I'd be interested in a copy of the instruction manuals and wiring diagrams. I've got a pdf copy of a manual but it might not be complete after briefly seeing a hard copy that Ken showed me on Sunday. Is the manual and wiring diagrams in digital format you can email?


                  • #10
                    No sorry Richard
                    they are the original hardback manuals. I'm not into PDF's and all that stuff.


                    • #11
                      I'm very pleased to report that my Debrie is now up and running and I ran two short films through it on Saturday night. I was like a kid with a new toy at Christmas

                      Thank you to everyone here that has helped me get to this stage. I appreciate all the advice received. I've attached a photo of the Debrie on its the tripod and a couple of screenshots from an Alfred Hitchcock film 'The Old Pro'


                      • #12
                        Good to know its all working again. Good old Debries. Well done. Ken Finch


                        • #13
                          A bit late to the party here as just re-joined after delighting in 4k projection - but not so much fun!

                          Richard, delighted you got it finally got it working and hope it gives you hours of pleasure. I have the grey V gate version which I love although the oil leaks are still under investigation...

                          Great projectors and so well built, engineering from a different era.


