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On the other hand this may be an Ebay balls up. I just relisted some items and when I reviewed them Ebay had added a couple of noughts to the price! and I had to revise them. How I hate Ebay and only wish there was a viable alternative. They have become greedy beyond belief and will only get worse.
Here's another one from a seller who regularly lists Cine stuff at exorbitant prices. I avoid him/her like the plague. They also list the projector separately - also at a ridiculous price. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cine-film...8AAOSwWxJd8rDI
My brother and I always laugh at the "VINTAGE!" and ""RARE!" marketing. Vintage and rare because all their brothers and sister have wound up in the trash and now have no value except as a museum piece.
You CAN find out what things have sold for, if at all, in the last 90 days by using Advanced Search. You have two choices, All Listings, and Complete Auctions. Both are useful to get the lay of the land. One must note low and high sales might indicate condition or just the buyer and luck.
When I saw the price I thought it would be the feature not just the 400ft cut down.
My copy of the last 600ft of that is in similar condition - but I did only pay £5 for it.
I don't care what the title of the print is.... it boggles my mind what people are willing to pay big bucks for a red print. Who ever bought this film it must have been on their highly wanted / must have list. If so congrats to the buyer!
This seller has a projector Elmo 16-FR
He wants to sell the projector for 570 euros, and he sells the projector cover, the Loudspeaker, for 270 euros
And the information they write about the projector is complete
This is not true because he took a piece of the projector and put it up for sale
In eBay there is no credibility fictional prices
eBay should set the price or evaluate it
Because of these sellers, I decided not to buy and not to enter this site https://www.ebay.de/itm/114536830659