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Could anybody recommend either a projector that shows super 16mm films or failing that a modification that could be applied to a standard 16 mm projector.
I know very little of Super 16, somebody asked me the question and it got me interested.
Could you use any 16mm projector, say, for instance a Specto 500 16 mm machine which has a spare gate that could be adapted? it is, after all, only silent operation that is needed.
Would we have to adapt or dedicate the lens in anyway?
One projector I know of that can be modified is the Bell and Howell JAN 16mm projector. ICECO in Florida used to offer the modification if I remember correctly. This projector is a very good candidate for modification. The film gate is easily removed and can be machined (or filed) to widen it for the larger super16mm image size. Best yet is the incredibly gentile handling of the film this projector embodies so as not to scratch your valuable film. The lens will be slightly off center, but the large 52mm lens diameter should handle this situation with no problem. Since the soundtrack area is being used for image, the sound amplifier, exciter lamp assy, drum etc can be ignored or even done away with. Just a note that other manufacturers such as Federal and Devry for instance built the JAN projector under contract. It is the same projector just made by a different manufacturer.
A 16mm silent projector usually has sprockets with teeth on both sides, thus making it unsuitable to project single perforation films.
Also, the claw may be on the wrong side.
The older (and the Dual 16/9.5mm) have interchangeable gate and sprockets, the 16mm sprockets only have have teeth on one side. I have the bits, I think I will play with one of these and see what happens and what results. I will post the results.